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Software Quality Journal - \textbf{28}, 595--631 (2020) - -\end{thebibliography} diff --git a/samplepaper.blg b/samplepaper.blg deleted file mode 100644 index 5160a8a..0000000 --- a/samplepaper.blg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2022) -Capacity: max_strings=200000, hash_size=200000, hash_prime=170003 -The top-level auxiliary file: samplepaper.aux -The style file: splncs04.bst -Database file #1: samplepaper.bib -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "Reviewer-Recommender" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "ref_lncs1" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "ref_book1" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "ref_proc1" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "ref_url1" -Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "ref_article1" -You've used 7 entries, - 2850 wiz_defined-function locations, - 643 strings with 6417 characters, -and the built_in function-call counts, 5015 in all, are: -= -- 449 -> -- 159 -< -- 8 -+ -- 67 -- -- 58 -* -- 307 -:= -- 625 -add.period$ -- 17 -call.type$ -- 7 -change.case$ -- 62 -chr.to.int$ -- 0 -cite$ -- 7 -duplicate$ -- 414 -empty$ -- 438 -format.name$ -- 65 -if$ -- 1126 -int.to.chr$ -- 0 -int.to.str$ -- 7 -missing$ -- 79 -newline$ -- 27 -num.names$ -- 14 -pop$ -- 162 -preamble$ -- 1 -purify$ -- 43 -quote$ -- 0 -skip$ -- 152 -stack$ -- 0 -substring$ -- 325 -swap$ -- 231 -text.length$ -- 8 -text.prefix$ -- 0 -top$ -- 0 -type$ -- 28 -warning$ -- 0 -while$ -- 42 -width$ -- 8 -write$ -- 79 -(There were 6 warnings) diff --git a/samplepaper.fdb_latexmk b/samplepaper.fdb_latexmk index a1963c7..83decd8 100644 --- a/samplepaper.fdb_latexmk +++ b/samplepaper.fdb_latexmk @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # Fdb version 3 -["bibtex samplepaper"] 1680780235 "samplepaper.aux" "samplepaper.bbl" "samplepaper" 1680780268 +["bibtex samplepaper"] 1680780419 "samplepaper.aux" "samplepaper.bbl" "samplepaper" 1680780420 "./splncs04.bst" 1521100946 33694 ee21ae2a29028dc8ad842a97200982c7 "" "samplepaper.aux" 1680780267 3322 7431cce0f2734298e75194cc541b9b25 "pdflatex" "samplepaper.bib" 1680767232 2675 31c6b7eaccded9d7e7d5c4199d50efdd "" (generated) "samplepaper.bbl" "samplepaper.blg" -["pdflatex"] 1680780265 "c:/Users/stroe/OneDrive/Рабочий стол/LaTeX2e+Proceedings+Templates+download/samplepaper.tex" "samplepaper.pdf" "samplepaper" 1680780268 +["pdflatex"] 1680780265 "c:/Users/stroe/OneDrive/Рабочий стол/LaTeX2e+Proceedings+Templates+download/samplepaper.tex" "samplepaper.pdf" "samplepaper" 1680780420 "DeploymentDiagram.png" 1680775044 34752 8a98b40d81e4fe39ff4cbcf99092dabb "" "ExampleSystem.png" 1680778178 82836 a220025945fae5bbca7247beae314dc7 "" "JavaParserLibrary.png" 1680776758 33550 f0999398686b5356af6578df06cf29c3 "" @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "c:/texlive-2022/texlive/2022/texmf.cnf" 1674065251 835 15d98ed9a7362f0ac2a0fb81928d01a3 "" "llncs.cls" 1662359260 43530 5c930e3a884976fbd3796e3ab18cc1af "" "samplepaper.aux" 1680780267 3322 7431cce0f2734298e75194cc541b9b25 "pdflatex" - "samplepaper.bbl" 1680780236 2152 390c6e65c8c1107b79dc586b5fafd8ee "bibtex samplepaper" + "samplepaper.bbl" 1680780420 2152 390c6e65c8c1107b79dc586b5fafd8ee "bibtex samplepaper" "samplepaper.tex" 1680780265 20461 1c50f7f96a73dd11cd14f0015dd2be64 "" (generated) "samplepaper.aux"