pyFTS.hyperparam package

Module contents


pyFTS.hyperparam.Util module

Common facilities for hyperparameter optimization


Create a sqlite3 table designed to store benchmark results.


conn – a sqlite3 database connection

pyFTS.hyperparam.Util.insert_hyperparam(data, conn)[source]

Insert benchmark data on database


data – a tuple with the benchmark data with format:

Dataset: Identify on which dataset the dataset was performed Tag: a user defined word that indentify a benchmark set Model: FTS model Transformation: The name of data transformation, if one was used mf: membership function Order: the order of the FTS method Partitioner: UoD partitioning scheme Partitions: Number of partitions alpha: alpha cut lags: lags Measure: accuracy measure Value: the measure value


conn – a sqlite3 database connection



Open a connection with a Sqlite database designed to store benchmark results.


name – database filenem


a sqlite3 database connection

pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch module

pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.cluster_method(individual, dataset, **kwargs)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.dict_individual(mf, partitioner, partitions, order, lags, alpha_cut)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.execute(hyperparams, datasetname, dataset, **kwargs)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.process_jobs(jobs, datasetname, conn)[source]

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary module

Distributed Evolutionary Hyperparameter Optimization (DEHO) for MVFTS

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs)[source]

Genetic algoritm for Distributed Evolutionary Hyperparameter Optimization (DEHO)

  • dataset – The time series to optimize the FTS

  • ngen – An integer value with the maximum number of generations, default value: 30

  • mgen – An integer value with the maximum number of generations without improvement to stop, default value 7

  • npop – An integer value with the population size, default value: 20

  • pcross – A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of crossover, default: .5

  • psel – A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of selection, default: .5

  • pmut – A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of mutation, default: .3

  • fts_method – The FTS method to optimize

  • parameters – dict with model specific arguments for fts_method

  • elitism – A boolean value indicating if the best individual must always survive to next population

  • initial_operator – a function that receives npop and return a random population with size npop

  • evalutation_operator – a function that receives a dataset and an individual and return its fitness

  • selection_operator – a function that receives the whole population and return a selected individual

  • crossover_operator – a function that receives the whole population and return a descendent individual

  • mutation_operator – a function that receives one individual and return a changed individual

  • window_size – An integer value with the the length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset

  • train_rate – A float value between 0 and 1 with the train/test split ([0,1])

  • increment_rate – A float value between 0 and 1 with the the increment of the scrolling window, relative to the window_size ([0,1])

  • collect_statistics – A boolean value indicating to collect statistics for each generation

  • distributed – A value indicating it the execution will be local and sequential (distributed=False), or parallel and distributed (distributed=’dispy’ or distributed=’spark’)

  • cluster – If distributed=’dispy’ the list of cluster nodes, else if distributed=’spark’ it is the master node


the best genotype

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.crossover(population, **kwargs)[source]

Crossover operation between two parents


population – the original population


a genotype

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.double_tournament(population, **kwargs)[source]

Double tournament selection strategy.




pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.elitism(population, new_population, **kwargs)[source]

Elitism operation, always select the best individual of the population and discard the worst

  • population

  • new_population


pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.evaluate(dataset, individual, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluate an individual using a sliding window cross validation over the dataset.

  • dataset – Evaluation dataset

  • individual – genotype to be tested

  • window_size – The length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset

  • train_rate – The train/test split ([0,1])

  • increment_rate – The increment of the scrolling window, relative to the window_size ([0,1])

  • parameters – dict with model specific arguments for fit method.


a tuple (len_lags, rmse) with the parsimony fitness value and the accuracy fitness value

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.execute(datasetname, dataset, **kwargs)[source]

Batch execution of Distributed Evolutionary Hyperparameter Optimization (DEHO) for monovariate methods

  • datasetname

  • dataset – The time series to optimize the FTS

  • file

  • experiments

  • distributed

  • ngen – An integer value with the maximum number of generations, default value: 30

  • mgen – An integer value with the maximum number of generations without improvement to stop, default value 7

  • npop – An integer value with the population size, default value: 20

  • pcross – A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of crossover, default: .5

  • psel – A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of selection, default: .5

  • pmut – A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of mutation, default: .3

  • fts_method – The FTS method to optimize

  • parameters – dict with model specific arguments for fts_method

  • elitism – A boolean value indicating if the best individual must always survive to next population

  • initial_operator – a function that receives npop and return a random population with size npop

  • random_individual – create an random genotype

  • evalutation_operator – a function that receives a dataset and an individual and return its fitness

  • selection_operator – a function that receives the whole population and return a selected individual

  • crossover_operator – a function that receives the whole population and return a descendent individual

  • mutation_operator – a function that receives one individual and return a changed individual

  • window_size – An integer value with the the length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset

  • train_rate – A float value between 0 and 1 with the train/test split ([0,1])

  • increment_rate – A float value between 0 and 1 with the the increment of the scrolling window, relative to the window_size ([0,1])

  • collect_statistics – A boolean value indicating to collect statistics for each generation

  • distributed – A value indicating it the execution will be local and sequential (distributed=False), or parallel and distributed (distributed=’dispy’ or distributed=’spark’)

  • cluster – If distributed=’dispy’ the list of cluster nodes, else if distributed=’spark’ it is the master node


the best genotype

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.genotype(mf, npart, partitioner, order, alpha, lags, f1, f2)[source]

Create the individual genotype

  • mf – membership function

  • npart – number of partitions

  • partitioner – partitioner method

  • order – model order

  • alpha – alpha-cut

  • lags – array with lag indexes

  • f1 – accuracy fitness value

  • f2 – parsimony fitness value


the genotype, a dictionary with all hyperparameters

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.initial_population(n, **kwargs)[source]

Create a random population of size n


n – the size of the population


a list with n random individuals

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.lag_crossover2(best, worst)[source]

Cross over two lag genes

  • best – best genotype

  • worst – worst genotype


a tuple (order, lags)

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.log_result(conn, datasetname, fts_method, result)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.mutation(individual, **kwargs)[source]

Mutation operator

  • individual – an individual genotype

  • pmut – individual probability o


pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.mutation_lags(lags, order)[source]

Mutation operation for lags gene

  • lags

  • order


pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.persist_statistics(datasetname, statistics)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.phenotype(individual, train, fts_method, parameters={}, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiate the genotype, creating a fitted model with the genotype hyperparameters

  • individual – a genotype

  • train – the training dataset

  • fts_method – the FTS method

  • parameters – dict with model specific arguments for fit method.


a fitted FTS model

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.process_experiment(fts_method, result, datasetname, conn)[source]

Persist the results of an DEHO execution in sqlite database (best hyperparameters) and json file (generation statistics)

  • fts_method

  • result

  • datasetname

  • conn



Create random genotype


the genotype, a dictionary with all hyperparameters

pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary.tournament(population, objective, **kwargs)[source]

Simple tournament selection strategy.

  • population – the population

  • objective – the objective to be considered on tournament
