Source code for

O. E. Rössler, Phys. Lett. 57A, 397 (1976).

dx/dt = -z - y
dy/dt = x + ay
dz/dt = b + z( x - c )


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def get_data(var, a = 0.2, b = 0.2, c = 5.7, dt = 0.01, initial_values = [0.001, 0.001, 0.001], iterations=5000): """ Get a simple univariate time series data. :param var: the dataset field name to extract :return: numpy array """ return get_dataframe(a, b, c, dt, initial_values, iterations)[var].values
[docs]def get_dataframe(a = 0.2, b = 0.2, c = 5.7, dt = 0.01, initial_values = [0.001, 0.001, 0.001], iterations=5000): ''' Return a dataframe with the multivariate Rössler Map time series (x, y, z). :param a: Equation coefficient. Default value: 0.2 :param b: Equation coefficient. Default value: 0.2 :param c: Equation coefficient. Default value: 5.7 :param dt: Time differential for continuous time integration. Default value: 0.01 :param initial_values: numpy array with the initial values of x,y and z. Default: [0.001, 0.001, 0.001] :param iterations: number of iterations. Default: 5000 :return: Panda dataframe with the x, y and z values ''' x = [initial_values[0]] y = [initial_values[1]] z = [initial_values[2]] for t in np.arange(0, iterations): dxdt = - (y[t] + z[t]) dydt = x[t] + a * y[t] dzdt = b + z[t] * x[t] - z[t] * c x.append(x[t] + dt * dxdt) y.append(y[t] + dt * dydt) z.append(z[t] + dt * dzdt) return pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y':y, 'z': z})