pyFTS.hyperparam package

Module contents


pyFTS.hyperparam.Util module

Common facilities for hyperparameter tunning


Create a sqlite3 table designed to store benchmark results.

Parameters:conn – a sqlite3 database connection
pyFTS.hyperparam.Util.insert_hyperparam(data, conn)[source]

Insert benchmark data on database

Parameters:data – a tuple with the benchmark data with format:

Dataset: Identify on which dataset the dataset was performed Tag: a user defined word that indentify a benchmark set Model: FTS model Transformation: The name of data transformation, if one was used mf: membership function Order: the order of the FTS method Partitioner: UoD partitioning scheme Partitions: Number of partitions alpha: alpha cut lags: lags Measure: accuracy measure Value: the measure value

Parameters:conn – a sqlite3 database connection

Open a connection with a Sqlite database designed to store benchmark results.

Parameters:name – database filenem
Returns:a sqlite3 database connection

pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch module

pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.dict_individual(mf, partitioner, partitions, order, lags, alpha_cut)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.execute(hyperparams, datasetname, train, test, **kwargs)[source]
pyFTS.hyperparam.GridSearch.metodo_cluster(individual, train, test)[source]