Source code for pyFTS.common.FLR

This module implements functions for Fuzzy Logical Relationship generation

import numpy as np
from pyFTS.common import FuzzySet

[docs]class FLR(object): """ Fuzzy Logical Relationship Represents a temporal transition of the fuzzy set LHS on time t for the fuzzy set RHS on time t+1. """ def __init__(self, LHS, RHS): """ Creates a Fuzzy Logical Relationship """ self.LHS = LHS """Left Hand Side fuzzy set""" self.RHS = RHS """Right Hand Side fuzzy set""" def __str__(self): return str(self.LHS) + " -> " + str(self.RHS)
[docs]class IndexedFLR(FLR): """Season Indexed Fuzzy Logical Relationship""" def __init__(self, index, LHS, RHS): """ Create a Season Indexed Fuzzy Logical Relationship """ super(IndexedFLR, self).__init__(LHS, RHS) self.index = index """seasonal index""" def __str__(self): return str(self.index) + ": "+ str(self.LHS) + " -> " + str(self.RHS)
[docs]def generate_high_order_recurrent_flr(fuzzyData): """ Create a ordered FLR set from a list of fuzzy sets with recurrence :param fuzzyData: ordered list of fuzzy sets :return: ordered list of FLR """ flrs = [] for i in np.arange(1,len(fuzzyData)): lhs = fuzzyData[i - 1] rhs = fuzzyData[i] if isinstance(lhs, list) and isinstance(rhs, list): for l in lhs: for r in rhs: tmp = FLR(l, r) flrs.append(tmp) else: tmp = FLR(lhs,rhs) flrs.append(tmp) return flrs
[docs]def generate_recurrent_flrs(fuzzyData): """ Create a ordered FLR set from a list of fuzzy sets with recurrence :param fuzzyData: ordered list of fuzzy sets :return: ordered list of FLR """ flrs = [] for i in np.arange(1,len(fuzzyData)): lhs = [fuzzyData[i - 1]] rhs = [fuzzyData[i]] for l in np.array(lhs).flatten(): for r in np.array(rhs).flatten(): tmp = FLR(l, r) flrs.append(tmp) return flrs
[docs]def generate_non_recurrent_flrs(fuzzyData): """ Create a ordered FLR set from a list of fuzzy sets without recurrence :param fuzzyData: ordered list of fuzzy sets :return: ordered list of FLR """ flrs = generate_recurrent_flrs(fuzzyData) tmp = {} for flr in flrs: tmp[str(flr)] = flr ret = [value for key, value in tmp.items()] return ret
[docs]def generate_indexed_flrs(sets, indexer, data, transformation=None, alpha_cut=0.0): """ Create a season-indexed ordered FLR set from a list of fuzzy sets with recurrence :param sets: fuzzy sets :param indexer: seasonality indexer :param data: original data :return: ordered list of FLR """ flrs = [] index = indexer.get_season_of_data(data) ndata = indexer.get_data(data) if transformation is not None: ndata = transformation.apply(ndata) for k in np.arange(1,len(ndata)): lhs = FuzzySet.fuzzyfy_series([ndata[k - 1]], sets, method='fuzzy',alpha_cut=alpha_cut) rhs = FuzzySet.fuzzyfy_series([ndata[k]], sets, method='fuzzy',alpha_cut=alpha_cut) season = index[k] for _l in np.array(lhs).flatten(): for _r in np.array(rhs).flatten(): flr = IndexedFLR(season,_l,_r) flrs.append(flr) return flrs