pyFTS.partitioners package

Module contents

Module for pyFTS Universe of Discourse partitioners.


pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner module

class pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Universe of Discourse partitioner. Split data on several fuzzy sets


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data
extractor = None

Anonymous function used to extract a single primitive type from an object instance

fuzzyfy(data, **kwargs)[source]

Find the name of the fuzzy set given its counter id.

Parameters:counter – The number of the fuzzy set

Return the fuzzy set on lower bound of the universe of discourse.

Returns:Fuzzy Set
membership_function = None

Fuzzy membership function (pyFTS.common.Membership)

name = None

partitioner name

partitions = None

The number of universe of discourse partitions, i.e., the number of fuzzy sets that will be created

plot(ax, rounding=0)[source]

Plot the partitioning using the Matplotlib axis ax

Parameters:ax – Matplotlib axis
plot_set(ax, s)[source]

Plot an isolate fuzzy set on Matplotlib axis

  • ax – Matplotlib axis
  • s – Fuzzy Set
prefix = None

prefix of auto generated partition names

setnames = None

list of partitions names. If None is given the partitions will be auto named with prefix

transformation = None

data transformation to be applied on data

type = None

The type of fuzzy sets that are generated by this partitioner


Return the fuzzy set on upper bound of the universe of discourse.

Returns:Fuzzy Set
variable = None

In a multivariate context, the variable that contains this partitioner

pyFTS.partitioners.CMeans module

class pyFTS.partitioners.CMeans.CMeansPartitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data
pyFTS.partitioners.CMeans.c_means(k, dados, tam)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.CMeans.distance(x, y)[source]

pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy module

C. H. Cheng, R. J. Chang, and C. A. Yeh, “Entropy-based and trapezoidal fuzzification-based fuzzy time series approach for forecasting IT project cost,” Technol. Forecast. Social Change, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 524–542, Jun. 2006.

class pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.EntropyPartitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner

Huarng Entropy Partitioner


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data
pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.PMF(data, threshold)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.bestSplit(data, npart)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.entropy(data, threshold)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.informationGain(data, thres1, thres2)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.splitAbove(data, threshold)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.Entropy.splitBelow(data, threshold)[source]

pyFTS.partitioners.FCM module

S. T. Li, Y. C. Cheng, and S. Y. Lin, “A FCM-based deterministic forecasting model for fuzzy time series,” Comput. Math. Appl., vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 3052–3063, Dec. 2008. DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2008.07.033.

class pyFTS.partitioners.FCM.FCMPartitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data
pyFTS.partitioners.FCM.fuzzy_cmeans(k, dados, tam, m, deltadist=0.001)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.FCM.fuzzy_distance(x, y)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.FCM.membership(val, vals)[source]

pyFTS.partitioners.Grid module

Even Length Grid Partitioner

class pyFTS.partitioners.Grid.GridPartitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner

Even Length Grid Partitioner


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data

pyFTS.partitioners.Huarng module

K. H. Huarng, “Effective lengths of intervals to improve forecasting in fuzzy time series,” Fuzzy Sets Syst., vol. 123, no. 3, pp. 387–394, Nov. 2001.

class pyFTS.partitioners.Huarng.HuarngPartitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner

Huarng Empirical Partitioner


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data

pyFTS.partitioners.Singleton module

Even Length Grid Partitioner

class pyFTS.partitioners.Singleton.SingletonPartitioner(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyFTS.partitioners.partitioner.Partitioner

Singleton Partitioner


Perform the partitioning of the Universe of Discourse

Parameters:data – training data

pyFTS.partitioners.Util module

Facility methods for pyFTS partitioners module

pyFTS.partitioners.Util.explore_partitioners(data, npart, methods=None, mf=None, transformation=None, size=[12, 10], save=False, file=None)[source]

Create partitioners for the mf membership functions and npart partitions and show the partitioning images. :data: Time series data :npart: Maximum number of partitions of the universe of discourse :methods: A list with the partitioning methods to be used :mf: A list with the membership functions to be used :transformation: a transformation to be used in partitioner :size: list, the size of the output image [width, height] :save: boolean, if the image will be saved on disk :file: string, the file path to save the image :return: the list of the built partitioners

pyFTS.partitioners.Util.plot_partitioners(data, objs, tam=[12, 10], save=False, file=None, axis=None)[source]
pyFTS.partitioners.Util.plot_sets(data, sets, titles, size=[12, 10], save=False, file=None, axis=None)[source]

pyFTS.partitioners.parallel_util module

pyFTS.partitioners.parallel_util.explore_partitioners(data, npart, methods=None, mf=None, tam=[12, 10], save=False, file=None)[source]