EnsembleFTS wraps several FTS methods to ensemble their forecasts, providing point,
interval and probabilistic forecasting.
Silva, P. C. L et al. Probabilistic Forecasting with Seasonal Ensemble Fuzzy Time-Series
XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyFTS.common import SortedCollection, fts, tree
from pyFTS.models import chen, cheng, hofts, hwang, ismailefendi, sadaei, song, yu
from pyFTS.probabilistic import ProbabilityDistribution
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid
import scipy.stats as st
from itertools import product
[docs]def sampler(data, quantiles, bounds=False):
ret = []
for qt in quantiles:
ret.append(np.nanpercentile(data, q=qt * 100))
if bounds:
ret.insert(0, min(data))
return ret
[docs]class EnsembleFTS(fts.FTS):
Ensemble FTS
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(EnsembleFTS, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.shortname = "EnsembleFTS"
self.name = "Ensemble FTS"
self.flrgs = {}
self.is_wrapper = True
self.has_point_forecasting = True
self.has_interval_forecasting = True
self.has_probability_forecasting = True
self.is_high_order = True
self.models = []
"""A list of FTS models, the ensemble components"""
self.parameters = []
"""A list with the parameters for each component model"""
self.alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.05)
"""The quantiles """
self.point_method = kwargs.get('point_method', 'mean')
"""The method used to mix the several model's forecasts into a unique point forecast. Options: mean, median, quantile, exponential"""
self.interval_method = kwargs.get('interval_method', 'quantile')
"""The method used to mix the several model's forecasts into a interval forecast. Options: quantile, extremum, normal"""
[docs] def append_model(self, model):
Append a new trained model to the ensemble
:param model: FTS model
if model.order > self.order:
self.order = model.order
if model.is_multivariate:
self.is_multivariate = True
if model.has_seasonality:
self.has_seasonality = True
if model.original_min < self.original_min:
self.original_min = model.original_min
elif model.original_max > self.original_max:
self.original_max = model.original_max
[docs] def get_UoD(self):
return [self.original_min, self.original_max]
[docs] def train(self, data, **kwargs):
[docs] def get_models_forecasts(self,data):
tmp = []
for model in self.models:
if model.is_multivariate or model.has_seasonality:
forecast = model.forecast(data)
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) and self.indexer is not None:
data = self.indexer.get_data(data)
sample = data[-model.order:]
forecast = model.predict(sample)
if isinstance(forecast, (list,np.ndarray)) and len(forecast) > 0:
forecast = forecast[-1]
elif isinstance(forecast, (list,np.ndarray)) and len(forecast) == 0:
forecast = np.nan
if isinstance(forecast, list):
return tmp
[docs] def get_point(self,forecasts, **kwargs):
if self.point_method == 'mean':
ret = np.nanmean(forecasts)
elif self.point_method == 'median':
ret = np.nanpercentile(forecasts, 50)
elif self.point_method == 'quantile':
alpha = kwargs.get("alpha",0.05)
ret = np.nanpercentile(forecasts, alpha*100)
elif self.point_method == 'exponential':
l = len(self.models)
if l == 1:
return forecasts[0]
w = np.array([np.exp(-(l - k)) for k in range(l)])
w = w / np.nansum(w)
ret = np.nansum([w[k] * forecasts[k] for k in range(l)])
return ret
[docs] def get_interval(self, forecasts):
ret = []
if self.interval_method == 'extremum':
ret.append([min(forecasts), max(forecasts)])
elif self.interval_method == 'quantile':
qt_lo = np.nanpercentile(forecasts, q=self.alpha * 100)
qt_up = np.nanpercentile(forecasts, q=(1-self.alpha) * 100)
ret.append([qt_lo, qt_up])
elif self.interval_method == 'normal':
mu = np.nanmean(forecasts)
sigma = np.sqrt(np.nanvar(forecasts))
ret.append(mu + st.norm.ppf(self.alpha) * sigma)
ret.append(mu + st.norm.ppf(1 - self.alpha) * sigma)
return ret
[docs] def get_distribution_interquantile(self,forecasts, alpha):
size = len(forecasts)
qt_lower = int(np.ceil(size * alpha)) - 1
qt_upper = int(np.ceil(size * (1- alpha))) - 1
ret = sorted(forecasts)[qt_lower : qt_upper]
return ret
[docs] def forecast(self, data, **kwargs):
if "method" in kwargs:
self.point_method = kwargs.get('method','mean')
l = len(data)
ret = []
for k in np.arange(self.order, l+1):
sample = data[k - self.max_lag : k]
tmp = self.get_models_forecasts(sample)
point = self.get_point(tmp)
return ret
[docs] def forecast_interval(self, data, **kwargs):
if "method" in kwargs:
self.interval_method = kwargs.get('method','quantile')
self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', self.alpha)
l = len(data)
ret = []
for k in np.arange(self.order, l+1):
sample = data[k - self.order : k]
tmp = self.get_models_forecasts(sample)
interval = self.get_interval(tmp)
if len(interval) == 1:
interval = interval[-1]
return ret
[docs] def forecast_ahead_interval(self, data, steps, **kwargs):
if 'method' in kwargs:
self.interval_method = kwargs.get('method','quantile')
self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', self.alpha)
ret = []
start = kwargs.get('start_at', self.order)
sample = [[k] for k in data[start: start+self.order]]
for k in np.arange(self.order, steps + self.order):
forecasts = []
lags = []
for i in np.arange(0, self.order):
lags.append(sample[i - self.order])
# Trace the possible paths
for path in product(*lags):
sample.append(sampler(forecasts, np.arange(.1, 1, 0.1), bounds=True))
interval = self.get_interval(forecasts)
if len(interval) == 1:
interval = interval[0]
return ret[-steps:]
[docs] def forecast_distribution(self, data, **kwargs):
ret = []
smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", "KDE")
alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", None)
uod = self.get_UoD()
for k in np.arange(self.order, len(data)):
sample = data[k-self.order : k]
forecasts = self.get_models_forecasts(sample)
if alpha is None:
forecasts = np.ravel(forecasts).tolist()
forecasts = self.get_distribution_interquantile(np.ravel(forecasts).tolist(), alpha)
dist = ProbabilityDistribution.ProbabilityDistribution(smooth, uod=uod, data=forecasts,
name="", **kwargs)
return ret
[docs] def forecast_ahead_distribution(self, data, steps, **kwargs):
if 'method' in kwargs:
self.point_method = kwargs.get('method','mean')
smooth = kwargs.get("smooth", "histogram")
alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", None)
ret = []
start = kwargs.get('start_at', self.order)
uod = self.get_UoD()
sample = [[k] for k in data[start: start+self.order]]
for k in np.arange(self.order, steps+self.order):
forecasts = []
lags = []
for i in np.arange(0, self.order):
lags.append(sample[i - self.order])
# Trace the possible paths
for path in product(*lags):
sample.append(sampler(forecasts, np.arange(.1, 1, 0.1), bounds=True))
if alpha is None:
forecasts = np.ravel(forecasts).tolist()
forecasts = self.get_distribution_interquantile(np.ravel(forecasts).tolist(), alpha)
dist = ProbabilityDistribution.ProbabilityDistribution(smooth, uod=uod, data=forecasts,
name="", **kwargs)
return ret[-steps:]
[docs]class SimpleEnsembleFTS(EnsembleFTS):
An homogeneous FTS method ensemble with variations on partitionings and orders.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SimpleEnsembleFTS, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.method = kwargs.get('fts_method', hofts.WeightedHighOrderFTS)
"""FTS method class that will be used on internal models"""
self.partitioner_method = kwargs.get('partitioner_method', Grid.GridPartitioner)
"""UoD partitioner class that will be used on internal methods"""
self.partitions = kwargs.get('partitions', np.arange(15,35,10))
"""Possible variations of number of partitions on internal models"""
self.orders = kwargs.get('orders', [1,2,3])
"""Possible variations of order on internal models"""
self.uod_clip = False
self.shortname = kwargs.get('name', 'EnsembleFTS-' + str(self.method.__module__).split('.')[-1])
[docs] def train(self, data, **kwargs):
for k in self.partitions:
fs = self.partitioner_method(data=data, npart=k)
for order in self.orders:
tmp = self.method(partitioner=fs, order=order)
[docs]class AllMethodEnsembleFTS(EnsembleFTS):
Creates an EnsembleFTS with all point forecast methods, sharing the same partitioner
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(AllMethodEnsembleFTS, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.min_order = 3
self.shortname ="Ensemble FTS"
[docs] def train(self, data, **kwargs):
fo_methods = [song.ConventionalFTS, chen.ConventionalFTS, yu.WeightedFTS, cheng.TrendWeightedFTS,
sadaei.ExponentialyWeightedFTS, ismailefendi.ImprovedWeightedFTS]
ho_methods = [hofts.HighOrderFTS, hwang.HighOrderFTS]
for method in fo_methods:
model = method(partitioner=self.partitioner)
model.fit(data, **kwargs)
for method in ho_methods:
for o in np.arange(1, self.order+1):
model = method(partitioner=self.partitioner)
if model.min_order >= o:
model.order = o
model.fit(data, **kwargs)