Ошибка: Не работает FCM кластеризация #2

opened 2024-08-08 11:07:21 +04:00 by sam · 0 comments

File ~/Projects/Disser/pyFTSex/.venv/src/pyfts/pyFTS/partitioners/partitioner.py:76, in Partitioner.init(self, **kwargs)
73 _max = np.nanmax(ndata)
74 self.max = float(_max * (1 + self.upper_margin) if _max > 0 else _max * (1 - self.upper_margin))
---> 76 self.sets = self.build(ndata)
78 self.partitions = len(self.sets)
80 if self.ordered_sets is None and self.setnames is not None:
65 # membership_table[inst_count][grp] = 1/(dist_groups[grp] / dist_grupos_total)
66 # membership_table[inst_count][grp] = (1/(dist_groups[grp]**2))m_exp / (1/(dist_grupos_total2))**m_exp
68 inst_count = inst_count + 1

IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10

File ~/Projects/Disser/pyFTSex/.venv/src/pyfts/pyFTS/partitioners/partitioner.py:76, in Partitioner.__init__(self, **kwargs) 73 _max = np.nanmax(ndata) 74 self.max = float(_max * (1 + self.upper_margin) if _max > 0 else _max * (1 - self.upper_margin)) ---> 76 self.sets = self.build(ndata) 78 self.partitions = len(self.sets) 80 if self.ordered_sets is None and self.setnames is not None: ... 65 # membership_table[inst_count][grp] = 1/(dist_groups[grp] / dist_grupos_total) 66 # membership_table[inst_count][grp] = (1/(dist_groups[grp]**2))**m_exp / (1/(dist_grupos_total**2))**m_exp 68 inst_count = inst_count + 1 IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10
sam closed this issue 2024-08-08 12:01:20 +04:00
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Reference: sam/pyFTS#2
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