Improvements of hyperparam.Evolutive, flexibilization and modularization of the GA
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ __measures = ['f1', 'f2', 'rmse', 'size']
def genotype(mf, npart, partitioner, order, alpha, lags, f1, f2):
Create the individual genotype
:param mf: membership function
@ -31,18 +31,18 @@ def genotype(mf, npart, partitioner, order, alpha, lags, f1, f2):
:param f1: accuracy fitness value
:param f2: parsimony fitness value
:return: the genotype, a dictionary with all hyperparameters
ind = dict(mf=mf, npart=npart, partitioner=partitioner, order=order,
alpha=alpha, lags=lags, f1=f1, f2=f2)
return ind
def random_genotype():
Create random genotype
:return: the genotype, a dictionary with all hyperparameters
order = random.randint(1, 3)
lags = [k for k in np.arange(1, order+1)]
return genotype(
@ -59,58 +59,54 @@ def random_genotype():
def initial_population(n):
Create a random population of size n
:param n: the size of the population
:return: a list with n random individuals
pop = []
for i in range(n):
return pop
def phenotype(individual, train, parameters={}):
def phenotype(individual, train, fts_method=hofts.WeightedHighOrderFTS, parameters={}):
Instantiate the genotype, creating a fitted model with the genotype hyperparameters
:param individual: a genotype
:param train: the training dataset
:param fts_method: the FTS method
:param parameters: dict with model specific arguments for fit method.
:return: a fitted FTS model
if individual['mf'] == 1:
mf = Membership.trimf
elif individual['mf'] == 2:
mf = Membership.trapmf
elif individual['mf'] == 3 and individual['partitioner'] != 2:
mf = Membership.gaussmf
mf = Membership.trimf
if individual['mf'] == 1:
mf = Membership.trimf
elif individual['mf'] == 2:
mf = Membership.trapmf
elif individual['mf'] == 3 and individual['partitioner'] != 2:
mf = Membership.gaussmf
mf = Membership.trimf
#if individual['partitioner'] == 1:
partitioner = Grid.GridPartitioner(data=train, npart=individual['npart'], func=mf)
#elif individual['partitioner'] == 2:
# partitioner = Entropy.EntropyPartitioner(data=train, npart=individual['npart'], func=mf)
#if individual['partitioner'] == 1:
partitioner = Grid.GridPartitioner(data=train, npart=individual['npart'], func=mf)
#elif individual['partitioner'] == 2:
# partitioner = Entropy.EntropyPartitioner(data=train, npart=individual['npart'], func=mf)
model = hofts.WeightedHighOrderFTS(partitioner=partitioner,
model = fts_method(partitioner=partitioner,
||||, **parameters)
||||, **parameters)
return model
except Exception as ex:
print("PHENOTYPE EXCEPTION!", str(ex), str(individual))
return None
return model
def evaluate(dataset, individual, **kwargs):
Evaluate an individual using a sliding window cross validation over the dataset.
:param dataset: Evaluation dataset
@ -120,7 +116,7 @@ def evaluate(dataset, individual, **kwargs):
:param increment_rate: The increment of the scrolling window, relative to the window_size ([0,1])
:param parameters: dict with model specific arguments for fit method.
:return: a tuple (len_lags, rmse) with the parsimony fitness value and the accuracy fitness value
from pyFTS.common import Util
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures
from pyFTS.hyperparam.Evolutionary import phenotype, __measures
@ -129,73 +125,60 @@ def evaluate(dataset, individual, **kwargs):
window_size = kwargs.get('window_size', 800)
train_rate = kwargs.get('train_rate', .8)
increment_rate = kwargs.get('increment_rate', .2)
fts_method = kwargs.get('fts_method', hofts.WeightedHighOrderFTS)
parameters = kwargs.get('parameters',{})
if individual['f1'] is not None and individual['f2'] is not None:
return { key: individual[key] for key in __measures }
errors = []
lengths = []
errors = []
lengths = []
for count, train, test in Util.sliding_window(dataset, window_size, train=train_rate, inc=increment_rate):
for count, train, test in Util.sliding_window(dataset, window_size, train=train_rate, inc=increment_rate):
model = phenotype(individual, train, parameters=parameters)
model = phenotype(individual, train, fts_method=fts_method, parameters=parameters)
if model is None:
raise Exception("Phenotype returned None")
forecasts = model.predict(test)
forecasts = model.predict(test)
rmse = Measures.rmse(test[model.max_lag:], forecasts[:-1])
rmse = Measures.rmse(test[model.max_lag:], forecasts) #.get_point_statistics(test, model)
_lags = sum(model.lags) * 100
_lags = sum(model.lags) * 100
_rmse = np.nanmean(errors)
_len = np.nanmean(lengths)
_rmse = np.nanmean(errors)
_len = np.nanmean(lengths)
f1 = np.nansum([.6 * _rmse, .4 * np.nanstd(errors)])
f2 = np.nansum([.4 * _len, .6 * _lags])
f1 = np.nansum([.6 * _rmse, .4 * np.nanstd(errors)])
f2 = np.nansum([.4 * _len, .6 * _lags])
#print("EVALUATION {}".format(individual))
return {'f1': f1, 'f2': f2, 'rmse': _rmse, 'size': _len }
except Exception as ex:
#print("EVALUATION EXCEPTION!", str(ex), str(individual))
return {'f1': np.inf, 'f2': np.inf, 'rmse': np.inf, 'size': np.inf }
return {'f1': f1, 'f2': f2, 'rmse': _rmse, 'size': _len }
def tournament(population, objective):
def tournament(population, objective, **kwargs):
Simple tournament selection strategy.
:param population: the population
:param objective: the objective to be considered on tournament
n = len(population) - 1
r1 = random.randint(0, n) if n > 2 else 0
r2 = random.randint(0, n) if n > 2 else 1
ix = r1 if population[r1][objective] < population[r2][objective] else r2
return population[ix]
except Exception as ex:
print(r1, population[r1])
print(r2, population[r2])
raise ex
r1 = random.randint(0, n) if n > 2 else 0
r2 = random.randint(0, n) if n > 2 else 1
ix = r1 if population[r1][objective] < population[r2][objective] else r2
return population[ix]
def double_tournament(population):
def double_tournament(population, **kwargs):
Double tournament selection strategy.
:param population:
ancestor1 = tournament(population, 'f1')
ancestor2 = tournament(population, 'f1')
@ -206,13 +189,13 @@ def double_tournament(population):
def lag_crossover2(best, worst):
Cross over two lag genes
:param best: best genotype
:param worst: worst genotype
:return: a tuple (order, lags)
order = int(round(.7 * best['order'] + .3 * worst['order']))
lags = []
@ -233,27 +216,26 @@ def lag_crossover2(best, worst):
return order, lags
# Cruzamento
def crossover(parents):
def crossover(population, **kwargs):
Crossover operation between two parents
:param parents: a list with two genotypes
:param population: the original population
:return: a genotype
import random
n = len(parents) - 1
n = len(population) - 1
r1 = random.randint(0, n)
r2 = random.randint(0, n)
if parents[r1]['f1'] < parents[r2]['f1']:
best = parents[r1]
worst = parents[r2]
if population[r1]['f1'] < population[r2]['f1']:
best = population[r1]
worst = population[r2]
best = parents[r2]
worst = parents[r1]
best = population[r2]
worst = population[r1]
npart = int(round(.7 * best['npart'] + .3 * worst['npart']))
alpha = float(.7 * best['alpha'] + .3 * worst['alpha'])
@ -272,13 +254,13 @@ def crossover(parents):
def mutation_lags(lags, order):
Mutation operation for lags gene
:param lags:
:param order:
l = len(lags)
new = []
@ -298,43 +280,40 @@ def mutation_lags(lags, order):
print(lags, order, new, lag)
def mutation(individual, pmut):
def mutation(individual, **kwargs):
Mutation operator
:param population:
:param individual: an individual genotype
:param pmut: individual probability o
import numpy.random
rnd = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rnd < pmut:
individual['npart'] = min(50, max(3, int(individual['npart'] + np.random.normal(0, 4))))
individual['alpha'] = min(.5, max(0, individual['alpha'] + np.random.normal(0, .5)))
individual['mf'] = random.randint(1, 2)
individual['partitioner'] = random.randint(1, 2)
individual['order'] = min(5, max(1, int(individual['order'] + np.random.normal(0, 1))))
# Chama a função mutation_lags
individual['lags'] = mutation_lags( individual['lags'], individual['order'])
individual['npart'] = min(50, max(3, int(individual['npart'] + np.random.normal(0, 4))))
individual['alpha'] = min(.5, max(0, individual['alpha'] + np.random.normal(0, .5)))
individual['mf'] = random.randint(1, 2)
individual['partitioner'] = random.randint(1, 2)
individual['order'] = min(5, max(1, int(individual['order'] + np.random.normal(0, 1))))
# Chama a função mutation_lags
individual['lags'] = mutation_lags( individual['lags'], individual['order'])
individual['f1'] = None
individual['f2'] = None
individual['f1'] = None
individual['f2'] = None
return individual
def elitism(population, new_population):
Elitism operation, always select the best individual of the population and discard the worst
:param population:
:param new_population:
population = sorted(population, key=itemgetter('f1'))
best = population[0]
@ -348,31 +327,55 @@ def elitism(population, new_population):
def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
Genetic algoritm for hyperparameter optimization
:param dataset:
:param ngen: Max number of generations
:param mgen: Max number of generations without improvement
:param npop: Population size
:param pcruz: Probability of crossover
:param pmut: Probability of mutation
:param window_size: The length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset
:param train_rate: The train/test split ([0,1])
:param increment_rate: The increment of the scrolling window, relative to the window_size ([0,1])
:param parameters: dict with model specific arguments for fit method.
:param dataset: The time series to optimize the FTS
:keyword ngen: An integer value with the maximum number of generations, default value: 30
:keyword mgen: An integer value with the maximum number of generations without improvement to stop, default value 7
:keyword npop: An integer value with the population size, default value: 20
:keyword pcross: A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of crossover, default: .5
:keyword psel: A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of selection, default: .5
:keyword pmut: A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of mutation, default: .3
:keyword fts_method: The FTS method to optimize
:keyword parameters: dict with model specific arguments for fts_method
:keyword elitism: A boolean value indicating if the best individual must always survive to next population
:keyword initial_operator: a function that receives npop and return a random population with size npop
:keyword evalutation_operator: a function that receives a dataset and an individual and return its fitness
:keyword selection_operator: a function that receives the whole population and return a selected individual
:keyword crossover_operator: a function that receives the whole population and return a descendent individual
:keyword mutation_operator: a function that receives one individual and return a changed individual
:keyword window_size: An integer value with the the length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset
:keyword train_rate: A float value between 0 and 1 with the train/test split ([0,1])
:keyword increment_rate: A float value between 0 and 1 with the the increment of the scrolling window,
relative to the window_size ([0,1])
:keyword collect_statistics: A boolean value indicating to collect statistics for each generation
:keyword distributed: A value indicating it the execution will be local and sequential (distributed=False),
or parallel and distributed (distributed='dispy' or distributed='spark')
:keyword cluster: If distributed='dispy' the list of cluster nodes, else if distributed='spark' it is the master node
:return: the best genotype
statistics = []
ngen = kwargs.get('ngen',30)
mgen = kwargs.get('mgen', 7)
npop = kwargs.get('npop',20)
pcruz = kwargs.get('pcruz',.5)
psel = kwargs.get('psel', .5)
pcross = kwargs.get('pcross',.5)
pmut = kwargs.get('pmut',.3)
distributed = kwargs.get('distributed', False)
initial_operator = kwargs.get('initial_operator', initial_population)
evaluation_operator = kwargs.get('evaluation_operator', evaluate)
selection_operator = kwargs.get('selection_operator', double_tournament)
crossover_operator = kwargs.get('crossover_operator', crossover)
mutation_operator = kwargs.get('mutation_operator', mutation)
_elitism = kwargs.get('elitism', True)
elitism_operator = kwargs.get('elitism_operator', elitism)
if distributed == 'dispy':
cluster = kwargs.pop('cluster', None)
@ -382,7 +385,7 @@ def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
new_population = []
population = initial_population(npop)
population = initial_operator(npop)
last_best = population[0]
best = population[1]
@ -390,7 +393,7 @@ def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
print("Evaluating initial population {}".format(time.time()))
if not distributed:
for individual in population:
ret = evaluate(dataset, individual, **kwargs)
ret = evaluation_operator(dataset, individual, **kwargs)
for key in __measures:
individual[key] = ret[key]
elif distributed=='dispy':
@ -414,19 +417,21 @@ def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
generation_statistics = {}
# Selection
for j in range(int(npop / 2)):
for j in range(int(npop * psel)):
# Crossover
new = []
for j in range(int(npop * pcruz)):
for j in range(int(npop * pcross)):
# Mutation
for ct, individual in enumerate(new_population):
new_population[ct] = mutation(individual, pmut)
rnd = random.uniform(0, 1)
if rnd < pmut:
new_population[ct] = mutation_operator(individual)
# Evaluation
if collect_statistics:
@ -436,7 +441,7 @@ def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
if not distributed:
for individual in new_population:
ret = evaluate(dataset, individual, **kwargs)
ret = evaluation_operator(dataset, individual, **kwargs)
for key in __measures:
individual[key] = ret[key]
if collect_statistics: stats[key].append(ret[key])
@ -466,7 +471,8 @@ def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
generation_statistics['population'] = mean_stats
# Elitism
population = elitism(population, new_population)
if _elitism:
population = elitism_operator(population, new_population)
population = population[:npop]
@ -487,14 +493,13 @@ def GeneticAlgorithm(dataset, **kwargs):
pmut += .05
no_improvement_count = 0
pcruz = kwargs.get('pcruz', .5)
pcross = kwargs.get('pcross', .5)
pmut = kwargs.get('pmut', .3)
if no_improvement_count == mgen:
return best, statistics
@ -506,7 +511,7 @@ def process_experiment(result, datasetname, conn):
def persist_statistics(statistics):
import json
with open('statistics{}.txt'.format(time.time()), 'w') as file:
with open('statistics{}.json'.format(time.time()), 'w') as file:
@ -523,7 +528,41 @@ def log_result(conn, datasetname, result):
def execute(datasetname, dataset, **kwargs):
conn = hUtil.open_hyperparam_db('hyperparam.db')
:param datasetname:
:param dataset: The time series to optimize the FTS
:keyword database_file:
:keyword experiments:
:keyword distributed:
:keyword ngen: An integer value with the maximum number of generations, default value: 30
:keyword mgen: An integer value with the maximum number of generations without improvement to stop, default value 7
:keyword npop: An integer value with the population size, default value: 20
:keyword pcross: A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of crossover, default: .5
:keyword psel: A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of selection, default: .5
:keyword pmut: A float value between 0 and 1 with the probability of mutation, default: .3
:keyword fts_method: The FTS method to optimize
:keyword parameters: dict with model specific arguments for fts_method
:keyword elitism: A boolean value indicating if the best individual must always survive to next population
:keyword initial_operator: a function that receives npop and return a random population with size npop
:keyword evalutation_operator: a function that receives a dataset and an individual and return its fitness
:keyword selection_operator: a function that receives the whole population and return a selected individual
:keyword crossover_operator: a function that receives the whole population and return a descendent individual
:keyword mutation_operator: a function that receives one individual and return a changed individual
:keyword window_size: An integer value with the the length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset
:keyword train_rate: A float value between 0 and 1 with the train/test split ([0,1])
:keyword increment_rate: A float value between 0 and 1 with the the increment of the scrolling window,
relative to the window_size ([0,1])
:keyword collect_statistics: A boolean value indicating to collect statistics for each generation
:keyword distributed: A value indicating it the execution will be local and sequential (distributed=False),
or parallel and distributed (distributed='dispy' or distributed='spark')
:keyword cluster: If distributed='dispy' the list of cluster nodes, else if distributed='spark' it is the master node
:return: the best genotype
file = kwargs.get('database_file', 'hyperparam.db')
conn = hUtil.open_hyperparam_db(file)
experiments = kwargs.get('experiments', 30)
@ -550,4 +589,3 @@ def execute(datasetname, dataset, **kwargs):
dUtil.stop_dispy_cluster(cluster, http_server)
return ret
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyFTS.hyperparam import GridSearch, Evolutionary
from pyFTS.models import pwfts
def get_dataset():
from import SONDA
@ -41,10 +42,12 @@ datsetname, dataset = get_dataset()
# window_size=10000, train_rate=.9, increment_rate=1,)
ret = Evolutionary.execute(datsetname, dataset,
ngen=30, npop=20, pcruz=.5, pmut=.3,
window_size=10000, train_rate=.9, increment_rate=1,
distributed='dispy', nodes=nodes)
ngen=30, npop=20,psel=0.6, pcross=.5, pmut=.3,
window_size=10000, train_rate=.9, increment_rate=1,
distributed=False, nodes=nodes)
#res = GridSearch.cluster_method({'mf':1, 'partitioner': 1, 'npart': 10, 'lags':[1], 'alpha': 0.0, 'order': 1},
# dataset, window_size = 10000, train_rate = .9, increment_rate = 1)
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