- Several bugfixes in benchmarks methods and optimizations
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class ARIMA(fts.FTS):
Façade for statsmodels.tsa.arima_model
def __init__(self, order, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
super(ARIMA, self).__init__(1, "ARIMA")
self.name = "ARIMA"
self.detail = "Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average"
@ -24,34 +24,41 @@ class ARIMA(fts.FTS):
self.benchmark_only = True
self.min_order = 1
def train(self, data, sets, order=1, parameters=None):
if parameters is not None:
self.p = parameters[0]
self.d = parameters[1]
self.q = parameters[2]
def train(self, data, sets, order=(2,1,1), parameters=None):
self.p = order[0]
self.d = order[1]
self.q = order[2]
self.order = max([self.p, self.d, self.q])
self.shortname = "ARIMA(" + str(self.p) + "," + str(self.d) + "," + str(self.q) + ")"
old_fit = self.model_fit
self.model = stats_arima(data, order=(self.p, self.d, self.q))
self.model_fit = self.model.fit(disp=0)
self.model = stats_arima(data, order=(self.p, self.d, self.q))
self.model_fit = self.model.fit(disp=1)
self.model_fit = old_fit
self.trained_data = data #.tolist()
def ar(self, data):
return data.dot(self.model_fit.arparams)
def ma(self, data):
return data.dot(self.model_fit.maparams)
def forecast(self, data, **kwargs):
if self.model_fit is None:
return np.nan
ndata = np.array(self.doTransformations(data))
l = len(ndata)
ret = []
for t in data:
output = self.model_fit.forecast()
ret.append( output[0] )
self.trained_data = np.append(self.trained_data, t) #.append(t)
self.train(self.trained_data,None,order=self.order, parameters=(self.p, self.d, self.q))
ar = np.array([self.ar(ndata[k - self.p: k]) for k in np.arange(self.p, l)])
residuals = np.array([ar[k - self.p] - ndata[k] for k in np.arange(self.p, l)])
ma = np.array([self.ma(residuals[k - self.q: k]) for k in np.arange(self.q, len(ar) + 1)])
ret = ar + ma
ret = self.doInverseTransformations(ret, params=[data[self.order - 1:]])
return ret
@ -60,73 +60,9 @@ def get_probabilistic_methods():
return [quantreg.QuantileRegression, ensemble.EnsembleFTS, pwfts.ProbabilisticWeightedFTS]
def external_point_sliding_window(models, parameters, data, windowsize,train=0.8, dump=False,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=True):
Sliding window benchmarks for non FTS point forecasters
:param models: non FTS point forecasters
:param parameters: parameters for each model
:param data: data set
:param windowsize: size of sliding window
:param train: percentual of sliding window data used to train the models
:param dump:
:param save: save results
:param file: file path to save the results
:param sintetic: if true only the average and standard deviation of the results
:return: DataFrame with the results
objs = {}
lcolors = {}
rmse = {}
smape = {}
u = {}
times = {}
experiments = 0
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train):
experiments += 1
for count, method in enumerate(models, start=0):
model = method("")
_start = time.time()
model.train(train, None, parameters=parameters[count])
_end = time.time()
_key = model.shortname
if dump: print(ct, _key)
if _key not in objs:
objs[_key] = model
lcolors[_key] = colors[count % ncol]
rmse[_key] = []
smape[_key] = []
u[_key] = []
times[_key] = []
_tdiff = _end - _start
_start = time.time()
_rmse, _smape, _u = Measures.get_point_statistics(test, model, None)
_end = time.time()
_tdiff += _end - _start
if dump: print(_rmse, _smape, _u, _tdiff)
return Util.save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, times, u)
def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3,transformation=None,indexer=None,dump=False,
benchmark_models=None, benchmark_models_parameters = None,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=True):
Sliding window benchmarks for FTS point forecasters
@ -153,7 +89,6 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners=[G
if models is None:
models = get_point_methods()
objs = {}
lcolors = {}
rmse = {}
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import dispy
import dispy.httpd
import numpy as np
from pyFTS.benchmarks import benchmarks, Util as bUtil
from pyFTS.benchmarks import benchmarks, Util as bUtil, naive, quantreg, arima
from pyFTS.common import Util
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid
@ -31,17 +31,23 @@ def run_point(mfts, partitioner, train_data, test_data, window_key=None, transfo
:return: a dictionary with the benchmark results
import time
from pyFTS import yu,chen,hofts,ifts,pwfts,ismailefendi,sadaei
from pyFTS import yu,chen,hofts,ifts,pwfts,ismailefendi,sadaei, song, cheng, hwang
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid, Entropy, FCM
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures, naive, arima, quantreg
tmp = [yu.WeightedFTS, chen.ConventionalFTS, hofts.HighOrderFTS, ifts.IntervalFTS,
pwfts.ProbabilisticWeightedFTS, ismailefendi.ImprovedWeightedFTS, sadaei.ExponentialyWeightedFTS]
tmp = [song.ConventionalFTS, chen.ConventionalFTS, yu.WeightedFTS, ismailefendi.ImprovedWeightedFTS,
cheng.TrendWeightedFTS, sadaei.ExponentialyWeightedFTS, hofts.HighOrderFTS, hwang.HighOrderFTS,
tmp2 = [Grid.GridPartitioner, Entropy.EntropyPartitioner, FCM.FCMPartitioner]
tmp4 = [naive.Naive, arima.ARIMA, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
tmp3 = [Measures.get_point_statistics]
if mfts.benchmark_only:
_key = mfts.shortname + str(mfts.order if mfts.order is not None else "")
pttr = str(partitioner.__module__).split('.')[-1]
_key = mfts.shortname + " n = " + str(mfts.order) + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partitioner.partitions)
mfts.partitioner = partitioner
@ -65,6 +71,7 @@ def run_point(mfts, partitioner, train_data, test_data, window_key=None, transfo
def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
benchmark_models=None, benchmark_models_parameters = None,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=False,nodes=None, depends=None):
Distributed sliding window benchmarks for FTS point forecasters
@ -78,6 +85,8 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:param dump:
:param benchmark_models: Non FTS models to benchmark
:param benchmark_models_parameters: Non FTS models parameters
:param save: save results
:param file: file path to save the results
:param sintetic: if true only the average and standard deviation of the results
@ -86,6 +95,13 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=
:return: DataFrame with the results
if benchmark_models is None:
benchmark_models = [naive.Naive, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA,
quantreg.QuantileRegression, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
if benchmark_models_parameters is None:
benchmark_models_parameters = [None, (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2), 1, 2]
cluster = dispy.JobCluster(run_point, nodes=nodes) #, depends=dependencies)
http_server = dispy.httpd.DispyHTTPServer(cluster)
@ -116,11 +132,20 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=
mfts.order = 1
for count, model in enumerate(benchmark_models, start=0):
mfts = model("")
mfts.order = benchmark_models_parameters[count]
experiments = 0
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train):
experiments += 1
benchmarks_only = {}
if dump: print('\nWindow: {0}\n'.format(ct))
for partition in partitions:
@ -129,9 +154,13 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=
data_train_fs = partitioner(train, partition, transformation=transformation)
for id, m in enumerate(pool,start=0):
for _id, m in enumerate(pool,start=0):
if m.benchmark_only and m.shortname in benchmarks_only:
benchmarks_only[m.shortname] = m
job = cluster.submit(m, data_train_fs, train, test, ct, transformation)
job.id = id # associate an ID to identify jobs (if needed later)
job.id = _id # associate an ID to identify jobs (if needed later)
for job in jobs:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from pyFTS import fts
class Naive(fts.FTS):
"""Naïve Forecasting method"""
def __init__(self, order, name, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
super(Naive, self).__init__(1, "Naive " + name)
self.name = "Naïve Model"
self.detail = "Naïve Model"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from pyFTS import fts
class QuantileRegression(fts.FTS):
"""Façade for statsmodels.regression.quantile_regression"""
def __init__(self, order, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
super(QuantileRegression, self).__init__(1, "QR")
self.name = "QR"
self.detail = "Quantile Regression"
@ -27,18 +27,20 @@ class QuantileRegression(fts.FTS):
def train(self, data, sets, order=1, parameters=None):
self.order = order
if parameters is not None:
self.alpha = parameters
tmp = np.array(self.doTransformations(data))
lagdata, ndata = lagmat(tmp, maxlag=order, trim="both", original='sep')
uqt = QuantReg(ndata, lagdata).fit(1 - self.alpha)
mqt = QuantReg(ndata, lagdata).fit(0.5)
if self.alpha is not None:
uqt = QuantReg(ndata, lagdata).fit(1 - self.alpha)
lqt = QuantReg(ndata, lagdata).fit(self.alpha)
self.mean_qt = [k for k in mqt.params]
if self.alpha is not None:
self.upper_qt = [uqt.params[k] for k in uqt.params.keys()]
self.mean_qt = [mqt.params[k] for k in mqt.params.keys()]
self.lower_qt = [lqt.params[k] for k in lqt.params.keys()]
def linearmodel(self,data,params):
@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ os.chdir("/home/petronio/dados/Dropbox/Doutorado/Codigos/")
#gauss = random.normal(0,1.0,5000)
#gauss_teste = random.normal(0,1.0,400)
#taiexpd = pd.read_csv("DataSets/TAIEX.csv", sep=",")
#taiex = np.array(taiexpd["avg"][:5000])
taiexpd = pd.read_csv("DataSets/TAIEX.csv", sep=",")
taiex = np.array(taiexpd["avg"][:5000])
#nasdaqpd = pd.read_csv("DataSets/NASDAQ_IXIC.csv", sep=",")
#nasdaq = np.array(nasdaqpd["avg"][0:5000])
@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ from pyFTS.benchmarks import Util
#tmp = arima.ARIMA("")
@ -72,11 +71,11 @@ Util.plot_dataframe_point("experiments/taiex_point_sintetic.csv","experiments/ta
#bchmk.teste(taiex,['', ''])
#bchmk.point_sliding_window(gauss,2000,train=0.8, #models=[yu.WeightedFTS], # #
# partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner], #Entropy.EntropyPartitioner], # FCM.FCMPartitioner, ],
# partitions= np.arange(3,10,step=1), #transformation=diff,
# dump=True, save=True, file="experiments/gauss_point_distributed.csv",
# nodes=['', '']) #, depends=[hofts, ifts])
bchmk.point_sliding_window(taiex,2000,train=0.8, #models=[yu.WeightedFTS], # #
partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner], #Entropy.EntropyPartitioner], # FCM.FCMPartitioner, ],
partitions= np.arange(10,200,step=10), #transformation=diff,
dump=True, save=True, file="experiments/taiex_point_analytic.csv",
nodes=['', '']) #, depends=[hofts, ifts])
#bchmk.testa(taiex,[10,20],partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner], nodes=['', ''])
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