- Bugfixes in naive, arima and quantreg and optimizations on benchmarks
This commit is contained in:
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ def crps(targets, densities):
def get_point_statistics(data, model, indexer=None):
"""Condensate all measures for point forecasters"""
if indexer is not None:
ndata = np.array(indexer.get_data(data[model.order:]))
@ -212,22 +213,29 @@ def get_point_statistics(data, model, indexer=None):
elif not model.is_multivariate and indexer is not None:
forecasts = model.forecast(indexer.get_data(data))
if model.has_seasonality:
nforecasts = np.array(forecasts)
nforecasts = np.array(forecasts[:-1])
if model.has_seasonality:
nforecasts = np.array(forecasts)
nforecasts = np.array(forecasts[:-1])
except Exception as ex:
return [np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]
ret = list()
ret.append(np.round(rmse(ndata, nforecasts), 2))
except Exception as ex:
ret.append(np.round(smape(ndata, nforecasts), 2))
except Exception as ex:
ret.append(np.round(UStatistic(ndata, nforecasts), 2))
except Exception as ex:
return ret
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def find_best(dataframe, criteria, ascending):
return ret
def point_dataframe_sintetic_columns():
def point_dataframe_synthetic_columns():
return ["Model", "Order", "Scheme", "Partitions", "Size", "RMSEAVG", "RMSESTD", "SMAPEAVG", "SMAPESTD", "UAVG",
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def point_dataframe_analytic_columns(experiments):
return columns
def save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, times, u):
def save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, synthetic, smape, times, u):
Create a dataframe to store the benchmark results
:param experiments: dictionary with the execution results
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, t
:param objs:
:param rmse:
:param save:
:param sintetic:
:param synthetic:
:param smape:
:param times:
:param u:
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, t
ret = []
if sintetic:
if synthetic:
for k in sorted(objs.keys()):
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, t
print("Erro ao salvar ", k)
print("Exceção ", ex)
columns = point_dataframe_sintetic_columns()
columns = point_dataframe_synthetic_columns()
for k in sorted(objs.keys()):
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ def save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, t
def cast_dataframe_to_sintetic_point(infile, outfile, experiments):
def cast_dataframe_to_synthetic_point(infile, outfile, experiments):
columns = point_dataframe_analytic_columns(experiments)
dat = pd.read_csv(infile, sep=";", usecols=columns)
models = dat.Model.unique()
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ def cast_dataframe_to_sintetic_point(infile, outfile, experiments):
mod.append(np.round(np.nanstd(times), 4))
dat = pd.DataFrame(ret, columns=point_dataframe_sintetic_columns())
dat = pd.DataFrame(ret, columns=point_dataframe_synthetic_columns())
dat.to_csv(Util.uniquefilename(outfile), sep=";", index=False)
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def plot_dataframe_point(file_synthetic, file_analytic, experiments, tam):
axes[2].set_title('U Statistic')
axes[3].set_title('Execution Time')
dat_syn = pd.read_csv(file_synthetic, sep=";", usecols=point_dataframe_sintetic_columns())
dat_syn = pd.read_csv(file_synthetic, sep=";", usecols=point_dataframe_synthetic_columns())
bests = find_best(dat_syn, ['UAVG','RMSEAVG','USTD','RMSESTD'], [1,1,1,1])
@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ def plot_dataframe_point(file_synthetic, file_analytic, experiments, tam):
def save_dataframe_interval(coverage, experiments, file, objs, resolution, save, sharpness, sintetic, times):
def save_dataframe_interval(coverage, experiments, file, objs, resolution, save, sharpness, synthetic, times):
ret = []
if sintetic:
if synthetic:
for k in sorted(objs.keys()):
mod = []
mfts = objs[k]
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ def save_dataframe_interval(coverage, experiments, file, objs, resolution, save,
columns = interval_dataframe_sintetic_columns()
columns = interval_dataframe_synthetic_columns()
for k in sorted(objs.keys()):
@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ def interval_dataframe_analytic_columns(experiments):
return columns
def interval_dataframe_sintetic_columns():
def interval_dataframe_synthetic_columns():
columns = ["Model", "Order", "Scheme", "Partitions", "SHARPAVG", "SHARPSTD", "RESAVG", "RESSTD", "COVAVG",
return columns
def save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, times1, times2, save, sintetic):
def save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, times1, times2, save, synthetic):
Save benchmark results for m-step ahead probabilistic forecasters
:param experiments:
@ -332,12 +332,12 @@ def save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, tim
:param times1:
:param times2:
:param save:
:param sintetic:
:param synthetic:
ret = []
if sintetic:
if synthetic:
for k in sorted(objs.keys()):
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, tim
print("Erro ao salvar ", k)
print("Exceção ", ex)
columns = ahead_dataframe_sintetic_columns()
columns = ahead_dataframe_synthetic_columns()
for k in sorted(objs.keys()):
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ def ahead_dataframe_analytic_columns(experiments):
return columns
def ahead_dataframe_sintetic_columns():
def ahead_dataframe_synthetic_columns():
columns = ["Model", "Order", "Scheme", "Partitions", "CRPS1AVG", "CRPS1STD", "CRPS2AVG", "CRPS2STD",
return columns
@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from probabilistic import ProbabilityDistribution
from pyFTS import song, chen, yu, ismailefendi, sadaei, hofts, pwfts, ifts, cheng, ensemble, hwang
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures, naive, arima, ResidualAnalysis, Util, quantreg
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures, naive, arima, ResidualAnalysis, quantreg
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Util as bUtil
from pyFTS.common import Transformations, Util
# from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid
@ -60,10 +61,47 @@ def get_probabilistic_methods():
return [quantreg.QuantileRegression, ensemble.EnsembleFTS, pwfts.ProbabilisticWeightedFTS]
def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3,transformation=None,indexer=None,dump=False,
def run_point(mfts, partitioner, train_data, test_data, window_key=None, transformation=None, indexer=None):
Point forecast benchmark function to be executed on sliding window
:param mfts: FTS model
:param partitioner: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param train_data: data used to train the model
:param test_data: ata used to test the model
:param window_key: id of the sliding window
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:return: a dictionary with the benchmark results
if mfts.benchmark_only:
_key = mfts.shortname + str(mfts.order if mfts.order is not None else "")
pttr = str(partitioner.__module__).split('.')[-1]
_key = mfts.shortname + " n = " + str(mfts.order) + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partitioner.partitions)
mfts.partitioner = partitioner
if transformation is not None:
_start = time.time()
mfts.train(train_data, partitioner.sets, order=mfts.order)
_end = time.time()
times = _end - _start
_start = time.time()
_rmse, _smape, _u = Measures.get_point_statistics(test_data, mfts, indexer)
_end = time.time()
times += _end - _start
ret = {'key': _key, 'obj': mfts, 'rmse': _rmse, 'smape': _smape, 'u': _u, 'time': times, 'window': window_key}
return ret
def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
benchmark_models=None, benchmark_models_parameters = None,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=True):
save=False, file=None, sintetic=False):
Sliding window benchmarks for FTS point forecasters
:param data:
@ -76,116 +114,89 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners=[G
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:param dump:
:param benchmark_models: Non FTS models to benchmark
:param benchmark_models_parameters: Non FTS models parameters
:param save: save results
:param file: file path to save the results
:param sintetic: if true only the average and standard deviation of the results
:return: DataFrame with the results
if benchmark_models is None: # and models is None:
benchmark_models = [naive.Naive, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA,
quantreg.QuantileRegression, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
if benchmark_models_parameters is None:
benchmark_models_parameters = [1, (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), 1, 2]
_process_start = time.time()
print("Process Start: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
if models is None:
models = get_point_methods()
pool = []
jobs = []
objs = {}
lcolors = {}
rmse = {}
smape = {}
u = {}
times = {}
if models is None:
models = get_point_methods()
for model in models:
mfts = model("")
if mfts.is_high_order:
for order in np.arange(1, max_order + 1):
if order >= mfts.min_order:
mfts = model("")
mfts.order = order
mfts.order = 1
if benchmark_models is not None:
for count, model in enumerate(benchmark_models, start=0):
par = benchmark_models_parameters[count]
mfts = model(str(par if par is not None else ""))
mfts.order = par
experiments = 0
for ct, train,test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train):
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train):
experiments += 1
benchmarks_only = {}
if dump: print('\nWindow: {0}\n'.format(ct))
for partition in partitions:
for partitioner in partitioners:
pttr = str(partitioner.__module__).split('.')[-1]
data_train_fs = partitioner(train, partition, transformation=transformation)
for count, model in enumerate(models, start=0):
mfts = model("")
_key = mfts.shortname + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partition)
mfts.partitioner = data_train_fs
if not mfts.is_high_order:
if dump: print(ct,_key)
if _key not in objs:
objs[_key] = mfts
lcolors[_key] = colors[count % ncol]
rmse[_key] = []
smape[_key] = []
u[_key] = []
times[_key] = []
if transformation is not None:
_start = time.time()
mfts.train(train, data_train_fs.sets)
_end = time.time()
times[_key].append(_end - _start)
_start = time.time()
_rmse, _smape, _u = Measures.get_point_statistics(test, mfts, indexer)
_end = time.time()
times[_key].append(_end - _start)
if dump: print(_rmse, _smape, _u)
for _id, m in enumerate(pool,start=0):
if m.benchmark_only and m.shortname in benchmarks_only:
for order in np.arange(1, max_order + 1):
if order >= mfts.min_order:
mfts = model("")
benchmarks_only[m.shortname] = m
_key = mfts.shortname + " n = " + str(order) + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partition)
tmp = run_point(deepcopy(m), data_train_fs, train, test, ct, transformation)
mfts.partitioner = data_train_fs
if dump: print(ct,_key)
if _key not in objs:
objs[_key] = mfts
lcolors[_key] = colors[count % ncol]
rmse[_key] = []
smape[_key] = []
u[_key] = []
times[_key] = []
if transformation is not None:
_start = time.time()
mfts.train(train, data_train_fs.sets, order=order)
_end = time.time()
times[_key].append(_end - _start)
_start = time.time()
_rmse, _smape, _u = Measures.get_point_statistics(test, mfts, indexer)
_end = time.time()
times[_key].append(_end - _start)
if dump: print(_rmse, _smape, _u)
except Exception as e:
if tmp['key'] not in objs:
objs[tmp['key']] = tmp['obj']
rmse[tmp['key']] = []
smape[tmp['key']] = []
u[tmp['key']] = []
times[tmp['key']] = []
print(tmp['key'], tmp['window'])
_process_end = time.time()
@ -193,7 +204,8 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners=[G
print("Process Duration: {0}".format(_process_end - _process_start))
return Util.save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, times, u)
return bUtil.save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, times, u)
def all_point_forecasters(data_train, data_test, partitions, max_order=3, statistics=True, residuals=True,
@ -309,9 +321,9 @@ def getProbabilityDistributionStatistics(pmfs, data):
def interval_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3,transformation=None,indexer=None,dump=False,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=True):
def interval_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
save=False, file=None, synthetic=True):
if models is None:
models = get_interval_methods()
@ -400,7 +412,7 @@ def interval_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8,models=None,partitioners
return Util.save_dataframe_interval(coverage, experiments, file, objs, resolution, save, sharpness, sintetic, times)
return bUtil.save_dataframe_interval(coverage, experiments, file, objs, resolution, save, sharpness, synthetic, times)
def all_interval_forecasters(data_train, data_test, partitions, max_order=3,save=False, file=None, tam=[20, 5],
@ -522,8 +534,8 @@ def plot_probability_distributions(pmfs, lcolors, tam=[15, 7]):
def ahead_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train, steps, models=None, resolution = None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3,transformation=None,indexer=None,dump=False,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=False):
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
save=False, file=None, synthetic=False):
if models is None:
models = [pwfts.ProbabilisticWeightedFTS]
@ -614,7 +626,7 @@ def ahead_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train, steps, models=None, resolution
if dump: print(_crps1, _crps2, _tdiff, _t1, _t2)
return Util.save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, times1, times2, save, sintetic)
return bUtil.save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, times1, times2, save, synthetic)
def all_ahead_forecasters(data_train, data_test, partitions, start, steps, resolution = None, max_order=3,save=False, file=None, tam=[20, 5],
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=
:return: DataFrame with the results
if benchmark_models is None:
if benchmark_models is None and models is None:
benchmark_models = [naive.Naive, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA,
quantreg.QuantileRegression, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
if benchmark_models_parameters is None:
benchmark_models_parameters = [None, (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), 1, 2]
benchmark_models_parameters = [1, (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), 1, 2]
cluster = dispy.JobCluster(run_point, nodes=nodes) #, depends=dependencies)
@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, models=None, partitioners=
mfts.order = order
mfts.order = 1
for count, model in enumerate(benchmark_models, start=0):
par = benchmark_models_parameters[count]
mfts = model(str(par if par is not None else ""))
mfts.order = par
if benchmark_models is not None:
for count, model in enumerate(benchmark_models, start=0):
par = benchmark_models_parameters[count]
mfts = model(str(par if par is not None else ""))
mfts.order = par
experiments = 0
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train):
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ class Naive(fts.FTS):
self.is_high_order = False
def forecast(self, data, **kwargs):
return [k for k in data]
return data
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class QuantileRegression(fts.FTS):
ret = []
for k in np.arange(self.order, l):
for k in np.arange(self.order, l+1): #+1 to forecast one step ahead given all available lags
sample = ndata[k - self.order : k]
ret.append(self.linearmodel(sample, self.mean_qt))
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class QuantileRegression(fts.FTS):
ret = []
for k in np.arange(self.order - 1, l):
for k in np.arange(self.order , l):
sample = ndata[k - self.order: k]
up = self.linearmodel(sample, self.upper_qt)
down = self.linearmodel(sample, self.down_qt)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ os.chdir("/home/petronio/dados/Dropbox/Doutorado/Codigos/")
#gauss_teste = random.normal(0,1.0,400)
taiexpd = pd.read_csv("DataSets/TAIEX.csv", sep=",")
taiex = np.array(taiexpd["avg"][:5000])
taiex = np.array(taiexpd["avg"][:2000])
#nasdaqpd = pd.read_csv("DataSets/NASDAQ_IXIC.csv", sep=",")
#nasdaq = np.array(nasdaqpd["avg"][0:5000])
@ -54,34 +54,39 @@ from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import lagmat
from pyFTS.benchmarks import distributed_benchmarks as bchmk
from pyFTS.benchmarks import benchmarks as bchmk
#from pyFTS.benchmarks import distributed_benchmarks as bchmk
#from pyFTS.benchmarks import parallel_benchmarks as bchmk
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Util
from pyFTS.benchmarks import arima, quantreg
#tmp = arima.ARIMA("")
#tmp.train(taiex[:1600], None, order=(1,0,1))
#teste = tmp.forecast(taiex[1600:1610])
#tmp.train(taiex[:1600], None, order=(2,0,2))
#teste = tmp.forecast(taiex[1600:1605])
#tmp = quantreg.QuantileRegression("")
#tmp.train(taiex[:1600], None, order=1)
#teste = tmp.forecast(taiex[1600:1610])
#tmp.train(taiex[:1600], None, order=2)
#teste = tmp.forecast(taiex[1600:1605])
#bchmk.teste(taiex,['', ''])
bchmk.point_sliding_window(taiex,2000,train=0.8, #models=[yu.WeightedFTS], # #
partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner], #Entropy.EntropyPartitioner], # FCM.FCMPartitioner, ],
partitions= np.arange(10,200,step=10), #transformation=diff,
dump=True, save=True, file="experiments/taiex_point_analytic.csv",
nodes=['', '', '']) #, depends=[hofts, ifts])
from pyFTS import song, chen, yu, cheng
bchmk.point_sliding_window(taiex,1000,train=0.8, models=[], #song.ConventionalFTS, chen.ConventionalFTS], #[yu.WeightedFTS, cheng.TrendWeightedFTS], # #
partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner], #Entropy.EntropyPartitioner], # FCM.FCMPartitioner, ],
partitions= [10], #np.arange(10,200,step=10), #transformation=diff,
dump=True, save=True, file="experiments/XXXtaiex_point_analytic.csv") #,
# nodes=['', '', '']) #, depends=[hofts, ifts])
diff = Transformations.Differential(1)
bchmk.point_sliding_window(taiex,2000,train=0.8, #models=[yu.WeightedFTS], # #
@ -89,7 +94,7 @@ bchmk.point_sliding_window(taiex,2000,train=0.8, #models=[yu.WeightedFTS], # #
partitions= np.arange(10,200,step=10), transformation=diff,
dump=True, save=True, file="experiments/taiex_point_analytic_diff.csv",
nodes=['', '', '']) #, depends=[hofts, ifts])
#bchmk.testa(taiex,[10,20],partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner], nodes=['', ''])
Reference in New Issue
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