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dispy Distributed Benchmarks to FTS methods
To enable a dispy cluster node:
python3 /usr/local/bin/ -i [local IP] -d
import datetime
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import dispy
import dispy.httpd
import numpy as np
from pyFTS.benchmarks import benchmarks, Util as bUtil, naive, quantreg, arima
from pyFTS.common import Util
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid
def run_point(mfts, partitioner, train_data, test_data, window_key=None, transformation=None, indexer=None):
Point forecast benchmark function to be executed on cluster nodes
:param mfts: FTS model
:param partitioner: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param train_data: data used to train the model
:param test_data: ata used to test the model
:param window_key: id of the sliding window
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:return: a dictionary with the benchmark results
import time
from pyFTS import yu,chen,hofts,ifts,pwfts,ismailefendi,sadaei, song, cheng, hwang
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid, Entropy, FCM
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures, naive, arima, quantreg
from pyFTS.common import Transformations
tmp = [song.ConventionalFTS, chen.ConventionalFTS, yu.WeightedFTS, ismailefendi.ImprovedWeightedFTS,
cheng.TrendWeightedFTS, sadaei.ExponentialyWeightedFTS, hofts.HighOrderFTS, hwang.HighOrderFTS,
tmp2 = [Grid.GridPartitioner, Entropy.EntropyPartitioner, FCM.FCMPartitioner]
tmp4 = [naive.Naive, arima.ARIMA, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
tmp3 = [Measures.get_point_statistics]
tmp5 = [Transformations.Differential]
if mfts.benchmark_only:
_key = mfts.shortname + str(mfts.order if mfts.order is not None else "")
pttr = str(partitioner.__module__).split('.')[-1]
_key = mfts.shortname + " n = " + str(mfts.order) + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partitioner.partitions)
mfts.partitioner = partitioner
if transformation is not None:
_start = time.time()
mfts.train(train_data, partitioner.sets, order=mfts.order)
_end = time.time()
times = _end - _start
_start = time.time()
_rmse, _smape, _u = Measures.get_point_statistics(test_data, mfts, indexer)
_end = time.time()
times += _end - _start
ret = {'key': _key, 'obj': mfts, 'rmse': _rmse, 'smape': _smape, 'u': _u, 'time': times, 'window': window_key}
return ret
def point_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, inc=0.1, models=None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
benchmark_models=None, benchmark_models_parameters = None,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=False,nodes=None, depends=None):
Distributed sliding window benchmarks for FTS point forecasters
:param data:
:param windowsize: size of sliding window
:param train: percentual of sliding window data used to train the models
:param inc: percentual of window is used do increment
:param models: FTS point forecasters
:param partitioners: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param partitions: the max number of partitions on the Universe of Discourse
:param max_order: the max order of the models (for high order models)
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:param dump:
:param benchmark_models: Non FTS models to benchmark
:param benchmark_models_parameters: Non FTS models parameters
:param save: save results
:param file: file path to save the results
:param sintetic: if true only the average and standard deviation of the results
:param nodes: list of cluster nodes to distribute tasks
:param depends: list of module dependencies
:return: DataFrame with the results
if benchmark_models is None and models is None:
benchmark_models = [naive.Naive, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA,
quantreg.QuantileRegression, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
if benchmark_models_parameters is None:
benchmark_models_parameters = [1, (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), 1, 2]
cluster = dispy.JobCluster(run_point, nodes=nodes) #, depends=dependencies)
http_server = dispy.httpd.DispyHTTPServer(cluster)
_process_start = time.time()
print("Process Start: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(
pool = []
jobs = []
objs = {}
rmse = {}
smape = {}
u = {}
times = {}
if models is None:
models = benchmarks.get_point_methods()
for model in models:
mfts = model("")
if mfts.is_high_order:
for order in np.arange(1, max_order + 1):
if order >= mfts.min_order:
mfts = model("")
mfts.order = order
mfts.order = 1
if benchmark_models is not None:
for count, model in enumerate(benchmark_models, start=0):
par = benchmark_models_parameters[count]
mfts = model(str(par if par is not None else ""))
mfts.order = par
experiments = 0
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train, inc):
experiments += 1
benchmarks_only = {}
if dump: print('\nWindow: {0}\n'.format(ct))
for partition in partitions:
for partitioner in partitioners:
data_train_fs = partitioner(train, partition, transformation=transformation)
for _id, m in enumerate(pool,start=0):
if m.benchmark_only and m.shortname in benchmarks_only:
benchmarks_only[m.shortname] = m
job = cluster.submit(m, data_train_fs, train, test, ct, transformation) = _id # associate an ID to identify jobs (if needed later)
for job in jobs:
tmp = job()
if job.status == dispy.DispyJob.Finished and tmp is not None:
if tmp['key'] not in objs:
objs[tmp['key']] = tmp['obj']
rmse[tmp['key']] = []
smape[tmp['key']] = []
u[tmp['key']] = []
times[tmp['key']] = []
print(tmp['key'], tmp['window'])
_process_end = time.time()
print("Process End: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(
print("Process Duration: {0}".format(_process_end - _process_start))
cluster.wait() # wait for all jobs to finish
http_server.shutdown() # this waits until browser gets all updates
return bUtil.save_dataframe_point(experiments, file, objs, rmse, save, sintetic, smape, times, u)
def run_interval(mfts, partitioner, train_data, test_data, window_key=None, transformation=None, indexer=None):
Interval forecast benchmark function to be executed on cluster nodes
:param mfts: FTS model
:param partitioner: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param train_data: data used to train the model
:param test_data: ata used to test the model
:param window_key: id of the sliding window
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:return: a dictionary with the benchmark results
import time
from pyFTS import hofts,ifts,pwfts
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid, Entropy, FCM
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures, arima, quantreg
tmp = [hofts.HighOrderFTS, ifts.IntervalFTS, pwfts.ProbabilisticWeightedFTS]
tmp2 = [Grid.GridPartitioner, Entropy.EntropyPartitioner, FCM.FCMPartitioner]
tmp4 = [arima.ARIMA, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
tmp3 = [Measures.get_interval_statistics]
if mfts.benchmark_only:
_key = mfts.shortname + str(mfts.order if mfts.order is not None else "") + str(mfts.alpha)
pttr = str(partitioner.__module__).split('.')[-1]
_key = mfts.shortname + " n = " + str(mfts.order) + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partitioner.partitions)
mfts.partitioner = partitioner
if transformation is not None:
_start = time.time()
mfts.train(train_data, partitioner.sets, order=mfts.order)
_end = time.time()
times = _end - _start
_start = time.time()
_sharp, _res, _cov, _q05, _q25, _q75, _q95 = Measures.get_interval_statistics(test_data, mfts)
_end = time.time()
times += _end - _start
ret = {'key': _key, 'obj': mfts, 'sharpness': _sharp, 'resolution': _res, 'coverage': _cov, 'time': times,
'Q05': _q05, 'Q25': _q25, 'Q75': _q75, 'Q95': _q95, 'window': window_key}
return ret
def interval_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train=0.8, inc=0.1, models=None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
benchmark_models=None, benchmark_models_parameters = None,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=False,nodes=None, depends=None):
Distributed sliding window benchmarks for FTS point_to_interval forecasters
:param data:
:param windowsize: size of sliding window
:param train: percentual of sliding window data used to train the models
:param inc:
:param models: FTS point forecasters
:param partitioners: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param partitions: the max number of partitions on the Universe of Discourse
:param max_order: the max order of the models (for high order models)
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:param dump:
:param benchmark_models:
:param benchmark_models_parameters:
:param save: save results
:param file: file path to save the results
:param sintetic: if true only the average and standard deviation of the results
:param nodes: list of cluster nodes to distribute tasks
:param depends: list of module dependencies
:return: DataFrame with the results
2017-05-14 15:54:41 +04:00
alphas = [0.05, 0.25]
if benchmark_models is None and models is None:
benchmark_models = [arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA, arima.ARIMA,
quantreg.QuantileRegression, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
if benchmark_models_parameters is None:
benchmark_models_parameters = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (2, 0, 1), (2, 0, 2), 1, 2]
cluster = dispy.JobCluster(run_interval, nodes=nodes) #, depends=dependencies)
http_server = dispy.httpd.DispyHTTPServer(cluster)
_process_start = time.time()
print("Process Start: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(
pool = []
jobs = []
objs = {}
sharpness = {}
resolution = {}
coverage = {}
q05 = {}
q25 = {}
q75 = {}
q95 = {}
times = {}
if models is None:
models = benchmarks.get_interval_methods()
for model in models:
mfts = model("")
if mfts.is_high_order:
for order in np.arange(1, max_order + 1):
if order >= mfts.min_order:
mfts = model("")
mfts.order = order
mfts.order = 1
if benchmark_models is not None:
for count, model in enumerate(benchmark_models, start=0):
for a in alphas:
par = benchmark_models_parameters[count]
mfts = model(str(par if par is not None else ""), alpha=a)
mfts.order = par
experiments = 0
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train, inc=inc):
experiments += 1
benchmarks_only = {}
if dump: print('\nWindow: {0}\n'.format(ct))
for partition in partitions:
for partitioner in partitioners:
data_train_fs = partitioner(train, partition, transformation=transformation)
for id, m in enumerate(pool,start=0):
if m.benchmark_only and m.shortname in benchmarks_only:
benchmarks_only[m.shortname] = m
job = cluster.submit(m, data_train_fs, train, test, ct, transformation) = id # associate an ID to identify jobs (if needed later)
for job in jobs:
tmp = job()
if job.status == dispy.DispyJob.Finished and tmp is not None:
if tmp['key'] not in objs:
objs[tmp['key']] = tmp['obj']
sharpness[tmp['key']] = []
resolution[tmp['key']] = []
coverage[tmp['key']] = []
times[tmp['key']] = []
q05[tmp['key']] = []
q25[tmp['key']] = []
q75[tmp['key']] = []
q95[tmp['key']] = []
_process_end = time.time()
print("Process End: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(
print("Process Duration: {0}".format(_process_end - _process_start))
cluster.wait() # wait for all jobs to finish
http_server.shutdown() # this waits until browser gets all updates
return bUtil.save_dataframe_interval(coverage, experiments, file, objs, resolution, save, sharpness, sintetic,
times, q05, q25, q75, q95)
def run_ahead(mfts, partitioner, train_data, test_data, steps, resolution, window_key=None, transformation=None, indexer=None):
Probabilistic m-step ahead forecast benchmark function to be executed on cluster nodes
:param mfts: FTS model
:param partitioner: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param train_data: data used to train the model
:param test_data: ata used to test the model
:param steps:
:param resolution:
:param window_key: id of the sliding window
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:return: a dictionary with the benchmark results
import time
from pyFTS import hofts, ifts, pwfts
from pyFTS.partitioners import Grid, Entropy, FCM
from pyFTS.benchmarks import Measures, arima, quantreg
tmp = [hofts.HighOrderFTS, ifts.IntervalFTS, pwfts.ProbabilisticWeightedFTS, arima.ARIMA, quantreg.QuantileRegression]
tmp2 = [Grid.GridPartitioner, Entropy.EntropyPartitioner, FCM.FCMPartitioner]
tmp3 = [Measures.get_distribution_statistics]
pttr = str(partitioner.__module__).split('.')[-1]
_key = mfts.shortname + " n = " + str(mfts.order) + " " + pttr + " q = " + str(partitioner.partitions)
mfts.partitioner = partitioner
if transformation is not None:
_start = time.time()
mfts.train(train_data, partitioner.sets, order=mfts.order)
_end = time.time()
times = _end - _start
_crps1, _crps2, _t1, _t2 = Measures.get_distribution_statistics(test_data, mfts, steps=steps,
_t1 += times
_t2 += times
except Exception as e:
_crps1 = np.nan
_crps2 = np.nan
_t1 = np.nan
_t2 = np.nan
ret = {'key': _key, 'obj': mfts, 'CRPS_Interval': _crps1, 'CRPS_Distribution': _crps2, 'TIME_Interval': _t1,
'TIME_Distribution': _t2, 'window': window_key}
return ret
def ahead_sliding_window(data, windowsize, train, steps,resolution, models=None, partitioners=[Grid.GridPartitioner],
partitions=[10], max_order=3, transformation=None, indexer=None, dump=False,
save=False, file=None, sintetic=False,nodes=None, depends=None):
Distributed sliding window benchmarks for FTS probabilistic forecasters
:param data:
:param windowsize: size of sliding window
:param train: percentual of sliding window data used to train the models
:param steps:
:param resolution:
:param models: FTS point forecasters
:param partitioners: Universe of Discourse partitioner
:param partitions: the max number of partitions on the Universe of Discourse
:param max_order: the max order of the models (for high order models)
:param transformation: data transformation
:param indexer: seasonal indexer
:param dump:
:param save: save results
:param file: file path to save the results
:param sintetic: if true only the average and standard deviation of the results
:param nodes: list of cluster nodes to distribute tasks
:param depends: list of module dependencies
:return: DataFrame with the results
cluster = dispy.JobCluster(run_point, nodes=nodes) # , depends=dependencies)
http_server = dispy.httpd.DispyHTTPServer(cluster)
_process_start = time.time()
print("Process Start: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(
pool = []
jobs = []
objs = {}
crps_interval = {}
crps_distr = {}
times1 = {}
times2 = {}
if models is None:
models = benchmarks.get_probabilistic_methods()
for model in models:
mfts = model("")
if mfts.is_high_order:
for order in np.arange(1, max_order + 1):
if order >= mfts.min_order:
mfts = model("")
mfts.order = order
experiments = 0
for ct, train, test in Util.sliding_window(data, windowsize, train):
experiments += 1
if dump: print('\nWindow: {0}\n'.format(ct))
for partition in partitions:
for partitioner in partitioners:
data_train_fs = partitioner(train, partition, transformation=transformation)
for id, m in enumerate(pool,start=0):
job = cluster.submit(m, data_train_fs, train, test, ct, transformation) = id # associate an ID to identify jobs (if needed later)
for job in jobs:
tmp = job()
if job.status == dispy.DispyJob.Finished and tmp is not None:
if tmp['key'] not in objs:
objs[tmp['key']] = tmp['obj']
crps_interval[tmp['key']] = []
crps_distr[tmp['key']] = []
times1[tmp['key']] = []
times2[tmp['key']] = []
_process_end = time.time()
print("Process End: {0: %H:%M:%S}".format(
print("Process Duration: {0}".format(_process_end - _process_start))
cluster.wait() # wait for all jobs to finish
http_server.shutdown() # this waits until browser gets all updates
return benchmarks.save_dataframe_ahead(experiments, file, objs, crps_interval, crps_distr, times1, times2, save, sintetic)