2019-12-26 05:11:08 +04:00
Simple Random Search Hyperparameter Optimization
from pyFTS.hyperparam import Evolutionary
import time
__measures = ['f1', 'f2', 'rmse', 'size']
def execute( dataset, **kwargs):
Batch execution of Random Search Hyperparameter Optimization
:param datasetname:
:param dataset: The time series to optimize the FTS
:keyword ngen: An integer value with the maximum number of generations, default value: 30
:keyword mgen: An integer value with the maximum number of generations without improvement to stop, default value 7
:keyword fts_method: The FTS method to optimize
:keyword parameters: dict with model specific arguments for fts_method
:keyword random_individual: create an random genotype
:keyword evalutation_operator: a function that receives a dataset and an individual and return its fitness
:keyword mutation_operator: a function that receives one individual and return a changed individual
:keyword window_size: An integer value with the the length of scrolling window for train/test on dataset
:keyword train_rate: A float value between 0 and 1 with the train/test split ([0,1])
:keyword increment_rate: A float value between 0 and 1 with the the increment of the scrolling window,
relative to the window_size ([0,1])
:keyword collect_statistics: A boolean value indicating to collect statistics for each generation
:keyword distributed: A value indicating it the execution will be local and sequential (distributed=False),
or parallel and distributed (distributed='dispy' or distributed='spark')
:keyword cluster: If distributed='dispy' the list of cluster nodes, else if distributed='spark' it is the master node
:return: the best genotype
ngen = kwargs.get('ngen',30)
mgen = kwargs.get('mgen', 7)
kwargs['pmut'] = 1.0
random_individual = kwargs.get('random_individual', Evolutionary.random_genotype)
evaluation_operator = kwargs.get('evaluation_operator', Evolutionary.evaluate)
mutation_operator = kwargs.get('mutation_operator', Evolutionary.mutation)
no_improvement_count = 0
individual = random_individual(**kwargs)
stat = {}
stat[0] = {}
ret = evaluation_operator(dataset, individual, **kwargs)
for key in __measures:
individual[key] = ret[key]
stat[0][key] = ret[key]
for i in range(1,ngen+1):
print("GENERATION {} {}".format(i, time.time()))
new = mutation_operator(individual, **kwargs)
ret = evaluation_operator(dataset, new, **kwargs)
new_stat = {}
for key in __measures:
new[key] = ret[key]
new_stat[key] = ret[key]
2019-12-26 15:05:35 +04:00
if new['f1'] < individual['f1'] or (new['f1'] == individual['f1'] and new['f2'] < individual['f2']):
2019-12-26 05:11:08 +04:00
individual = new
no_improvement_count = 0
stat[i] = new_stat
stat[i] = stat[i-1]
no_improvement_count += 1
print("WITHOUT IMPROVEMENT {}".format(no_improvement_count))
if no_improvement_count == mgen:
return individual, stat