
96 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2022-12-13 12:36:06 +04:00
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Transformation
vector <double> SeasonalIndex;
double GeometricAverage;
double valueMean;
double valueSd;
int tsSizeValue;
vector <double> TimeSeries;
double INFINITY;
// период сезонности для использования в Deseasonalization
int seasonalPeriod;
// параметр трансформации
double lambda;
// параметр сдвига значений вектора при наличии в нем отрицательных значений
double tsShiftValue;
// обрабатываемый временной ряд
void setTimeSeries(vector<double>);
int sign(double);
// auto lambda estimation
void lambdaEstimation();
//Time-series analysis supported by Power Transformations
double lambdaEstimationGuerrero(double);
vector<double> BoxCox();
vector<double> invBoxCox();
// -- Negative ys could be allowed
// -- The transformation was reported to be successful in transform
// unimodal skewed distribution into normal distribution, but is
// not quite useful for bimodal or U - shaped distribution
vector<double> ExponentialTransformation();
vector<double> invExponentialTransformation();
//John and Draper(1980)
// -- Negative ys could be allowed.
// -- It works best at those distribution that is somewhat symmetric.
// A power transformation on a symmetric distribution is likel
// y going to introduce some degree of skewness.
vector<double> ModulusTransformation();
vector<double> invModulusTransformation();
//Bickel and Doksum(1981)
// --Negative ys could be allowed.
vector<double> AsymptoticBoxCox();
vector<double> invAsymptoticBoxCox();
//Yeo and Johnson (2000)
// --Negative ys could be allowed.
// --When estimating the transformation parameter, found the value of
// λ that minimizes the Kullback - Leibler distance between
// the normal distribution and the transformed distribution.
vector<double> ModifiedBoxCox();
vector<double> invModifiedBoxCox();
// Atkinson(1973)
// --Negative ys could be allowed.
vector<double> NormalizedBoxCox();
vector<double> invNormalizedBoxCox();
// очистка вектора TimeSeries от сезонности
vector<double> Deseasonalization(int);
vector<double> invDeseasonalization();
// получение средних сезоональных индексов
vector<double> getSeasonalIndex();
// Aggregation time series
vector <double> Aggregation(int);
vector <double> invAggregation();
// Normalization time series: mean = 0, Sd (Standard deviation) = 1
vector <double> Normalization();
vector <double> invNormalization();