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% This is samplepaper.tex, a sample chapter demonstrating the
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% Version 2.21 of 2022/01/12
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\title{Forming a rule base for PLM systems}
%\titlerunning{Abbreviated paper title}
% If the paper title is too long for the running head, you can set
% an abbreviated paper title here
\author{Anton~Romanov\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-0001-5275-7628} \and
Aleksey~Filippov\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-0003-0008-5035} \and
Nadezhda~Yarushkina\inst{1}\orcidID{0000-0002-5718-8732} \and
\authorrunning{A. Romanov et al.}
% First names are abbreviated in the running head.
% If there are more than two authors, 'et al.' is used.
\institute{Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
\maketitle % typeset the header of the contribution
In production, there are tasks of the integration of a PLM systems and a third-party information system. This system may not be part of the PLM complex, but provides information support for managing production processes. An analyst is currently responsible for carrying out the integration. He must form a structural and process models of the integrated information system to make interaction rules with the system. During the operation process, besides the analyst, there is an operator involved, who performs maintaining the relevance of the data of both the integrated information system and the entire complex, and a decision maker , who performs managing the integrated information system, namely maintaining its operational state.
An approach is to reduce the load both on the analyst, who configures the interaction and display of data, and on the operator, who is involved in ensuring the relevance of data structures, and on the decision-maker, who is involved in making important decisions related to risks in production.
We propose using data-based management by forming a data meta-model of the integrated information system based on the analysis of its storage; mapping of the data of PLM systems and the integrated information system on the enterprise through the use of a rule base for the behavior of the integrated information system.
\keywords{Rule base \and PLM systems \and Data-driven management.}
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% ---- Bibliography ----
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% \bibliographystyle{splncs04}
% \bibliography{mybibliography}
Author, F.: Article title. Journal \textbf{2}(5), 99--110 (2016)
Author, F., Author, S.: Title of a proceedings paper. In: Editor,
F., Editor, S. (eds.) CONFERENCE 2016, LNCS, vol. 9999, pp. 1--13.
Springer, Heidelberg (2016). \doi{10.10007/1234567890}
Author, F., Author, S., Author, T.: Book title. 2nd edn. Publisher,
Location (1999)
Author, A.-B.: Contribution title. In: 9th International Proceedings
on Proceedings, pp. 1--2. Publisher, Location (2010)
LNCS Homepage, \url{}, last accessed 2023/10/25
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