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using DesktopTools.Enums;
using DesktopTools.Helpers;
using DesktopTools.Interfaces;
using DesktopTools.Models;
using ModuleTools.Attributes;
using ModuleTools.BindingModels;
using ModuleTools.BusinessLogics;
using ModuleTools.Enums;
using ModuleTools.Extensions;
using ModuleTools.ViewModels;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace DesktopTools.Controls
public partial class GenericControlEntityList<G, S, L, E, BL> : MainControlViewEntityList, IControlViewEntityList
where G : GetBindingModel, new()
where S : SetBindingModel, new()
where L : ListViewModel<E>
where E : ElementViewModel
where BL : GenericBusinessLogic<G, S, L, E>
/// <summary>
/// Режим работы
/// </summary>
private ControlOpenMode _openMode;
/// <summary>
/// Событие, вызываемое при закрытии контрола
/// </summary>
private event Action<Guid> CloseListEvent;
/// <summary>
/// Событие, вызываемое при закрытии контрола
/// </summary>
private event Action<bool> CloseSelectEvent;
/// <summary>
/// Объект бизнес-логики для получения данных
/// </summary>
protected BL _businessLogic;
/// <summary>
/// Методы для реализации в generic-контроле
/// </summary>
protected IGenericControlEntityList<L, E> _genericControlViewEntityList;
/// <summary>
/// Список значений с контролов с панели поиска
/// </summary>
protected List<(string Name, object Value)> _searchValues;
/// <summary>
/// Констркутор
/// </summary>
public GenericControlEntityList()
_businessLogic = DependencyManager.Instance.Resolve<BL>();
_controlViewEntityList = this;
#region IControlViewEntityList
public async void OpenControl(ControlOpenModel model)
_openMode = model.OpenMode;
if (model.CloseList != null)
CloseListEvent += model.CloseList;
if (model.CloseSelect != null)
CloseSelectEvent += model.CloseSelect;
if (dataGridViewList.Columns.Count == 0)
catch (Exception ex)
DialogHelper.MessageException(ex.Message, "Ошибка при конфигурации");
await LoadListAsync();
public IControl GetInstanceControl() => _genericControlViewEntityList?.GetInstanceGenericControl();
public string GetTitleFromIdControl(Guid id) => _businessLogic.GetElement(new G { Id = id })?.ToString();
public string SaveControlToXml() => new XElement("Control",
new XAttribute("Type", GetType().FullName),
new XAttribute("ControlId", ControlId),
new XAttribute("Title", Title),
new XAttribute("AccessOperation", AccessOperation),
new XElement("Configurate",
new XElement("Page", toolStripTextBoxPage.Text),
new XElement("CountElementsOnPage", toolStripTextBoxCountRecords.Text),
new XElement("PageName",
new XElement("Key", ((toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedItem as PageNamesForPaginationModel)?.Key ?? "-")),
new XElement("Value", ((toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedItem as PageNamesForPaginationModel)?.Value ?? "-"))),
new XElement("ParentId", ParentId?.ToString() ?? "-"))).ToString();
public void LoadControlFromXml(string xml)
var control = XElement.Parse(xml).Element("Control");
ControlId = new Guid(control.Attribute("ControlId").Value.ToString());
Title = control.Attribute("Title").Value.ToString();
AccessOperation = (AccessOperation)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccessOperation), control.Attribute("AccessOperation").Value.ToString());
var config = control.Element("Configurate");
toolStripTextBoxPage.Text = config.Element("Page").Value.ToString();
toolStripTextBoxCountRecords.Text = config.Element("CountElementsOnPage").Value.ToString();
if (config.Element("PageName").Element("Key").Value.ToString() != "-")
var pageName = new PageNamesForPaginationModel
Key = config.Element("PageName").Element("Key").Value.ToString(),
Value = config.Element("PageName").Element("Value").Value.ToString()
toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedItem = pageName;
if (config.Element("ParentId").Value.ToString() != "-")
ParentId = new Guid(config.Element("ParentId").Value.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Конфигуратор контрола
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">Настройки</param>
private void Configurate(ControlViewEntityListConfiguration config)
if (config == null)
// формирование таблицы на основе модели
var properties = typeof(E).GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties)
var attr = property.GetCustomAttribute<ViewModelControlListPropertyAttribute>();
if (attr != null)
var colIndex = attr.DisplayName == "Идентификатор" ? 0 : dataGridViewList.Columns.Count;
dataGridViewList.Columns.Insert(colIndex, new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
HeaderText = attr.DisplayName,
Name = string.Format("Column{0}", property.Name),
ReadOnly = true,
Visible = !attr.IsHide,
Width = attr.ColumnWidth ?? 0,
AutoSizeMode = attr.ColumnWidth.HasValue ? DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None : DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill
labelTitle.Text = Title;
// настройка отображения основных кнопок
if (config.HideToolStripButton != null)
foreach (var elem in config.HideToolStripButton)
var ctrl = toolStripMenu.Items.Find(elem.ToString(), false);
if (ctrl != null && ctrl.Length > 0)
ctrl[0].Visible = false;
switch (elem)
case ToolStripButtonListNames.toolStripButtonAdd:
toolStripSeparator1.Visible = false;
case ToolStripButtonListNames.toolStripButtonUpd:
toolStripSeparator2.Visible = false;
case ToolStripButtonListNames.toolStripButtonDel:
toolStripSeparator3.Visible = false;
case ToolStripButtonListNames.toolStripButtonSearch:
toolStripSeparator4.Visible = false;
case ToolStripButtonListNames.toolStripButtonRef:
toolStripSeparator5.Visible = false;
// Загрузка подпунктов в контекстное меню и в пункт меню "Действие"
if (config.ControlOnMoveElem != null)
foreach (var elem in config.ControlOnMoveElem)
ToolStripMenuItem item = new() { Text = elem.Value.Title, Name = elem.Key };
item.Click += elem.Value.Event;
// либо скрытие пункта, если не предусмотренно подпунктов
toolStripSplitButtonActions.Visible = false;
toolStripSeparator5.Visible = false;
toolStripFooter.Visible = config.PaginationOn;
// Пагинация
if (config.PaginationOn)
// пагинация по страницам
if (config.CountElementsOnPage.HasValue)
toolStripTextBoxCountRecords.Text = config.CountElementsOnPage.Value.ToString();
toolStripLabelPageName.Visible = toolStripComboBoxPageNames.Visible = false;
// пагинация по названиям
else if (config.PageNamesForPagination != null)
toolStripButtonPrev.Visible = toolStripLabelPage.Visible = toolStripTextBoxPage.Visible = toolStripLabelCountPages.Visible =
toolStripLabelCountRecords.Visible = toolStripTextBoxCountRecords.Visible = toolStripButtonNext.Visible = false;
toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedIndex = 0;
toolStripComboBoxPageNames.Tag = config.ParentPropertyName;
// при вызове контрола для выбора элемента, делаем возможность выбора только одной записи
dataGridViewList.MultiSelect = _openMode == ControlOpenMode.List;
// Открытие через родительский элемент
if (_openMode == ControlOpenMode.Child)
panelHeader.Visible = false;
toolStripButtonClose.Visible = false;
toolStripFooter.Visible = false;
toolStripSeparator6.Visible = true;
toolStripButtonSelect.Visible = true;
Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
/// <summary>
/// Инициализация событий к контролам
/// </summary>
private void InitEvents()
toolStripButtonAdd.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { AddElement(); };
toolStripButtonUpd.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { UpdElement(); };
toolStripButtonDel.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DelElement(); };
toolStripButtonSearch.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { panelSearch.Visible = !panelSearch.Visible; _searchValues?.Clear(); };
toolStripButtonRef.Click += async (object sender, EventArgs e) => { await LoadListAsync(); };
toolStripButtonSelect.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { SelectElement(); };
toolStripButtonClose.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
buttonSearch.Click += async (object sender, EventArgs e) => { await LoadListAsync(); };
buttonCancelSearch.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { panelSearch.Visible = false; _searchValues?.Clear(); };
dataGridViewList.KeyDown += (object sender, KeyEventArgs e) =>
switch (e.KeyCode)
case Keys.Insert:
if (toolStripButtonAdd.Visible)
case Keys.Enter:
if (toolStripButtonUpd.Visible)
case Keys.Delete:
if (toolStripButtonDel.Visible)
dataGridViewList.CellDoubleClick += (object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) =>
if (_openMode == ControlOpenMode.Select && dataGridViewList.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
toolStripButtonPrev.Click += async (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
if (int.TryParse(toolStripTextBoxPage.Text, out int page))
toolStripTextBoxPage.Text = (page - 1).ToString();
await LoadListAsync();
toolStripButtonNext.Click += async (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
if (int.TryParse(toolStripTextBoxPage.Text, out int page))
toolStripTextBoxPage.Text = (page + 1).ToString();
await LoadListAsync();
toolStripTextBoxPage.KeyDown += async (object sender, KeyEventArgs e) =>
if (e.KeyData == Keys.Enter)
await LoadListAsync();
toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedIndexChanged += async (object sender, EventArgs e) => { await LoadListAsync(); };
/// <summary>
/// Вызов события загрузки данных на datagrid
/// </summary>
private async Task LoadListAsync()
var cursor = Cursor.Current;
var selectedGuids = new List<Guid>();
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewList.SelectedRows)
selectedGuids.Add(new Guid(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString()));
L data = null;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
if (panelSearch.Visible)
var controls = panelSearchControls.Controls.Cast<IBaseControl>();
if (_searchValues == null)
_searchValues = new();
foreach (var cntrl in controls)
_searchValues.Add((cntrl.GetPropertyName(), cntrl.GetValueFromControl()));
if (ParentPropertyName.IsNotEmpty())
if (ParentId.HasValue)
await Task.Run(() => data = GetDataFromParent(ParentId.Value));
Visible = true;
Visible = false;
// если включена пагинация
else if (toolStripFooter.Visible)
// постраничная
if (toolStripTextBoxPage.Visible)
if (int.TryParse(toolStripTextBoxPage.Text, out int page) && int.TryParse(toolStripTextBoxCountRecords.Text.ToString(), out int count))
await Task.Run(() => data = GetDataWithPageNumber(page - 1, count));
// поименная
else if (toolStripComboBoxPageNames.Visible)
if (toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedItem is PageNamesForPaginationModel key)
await Task.Run(() => data = GetDataWithPageName(key.Key));
await Task.Run(() => data = GetData());
toolStripLabelCountPages.Text = $"из {data?.MaxCount}";
catch (Exception ex)
if (_businessLogic.Errors.Count > 0)
DialogHelper.MessageException(_businessLogic.Errors, "Ошибки при получении данных");
DialogHelper.MessageException(ex.Message, "Ошибка при получении данных");
Cursor.Current = cursor;
FillDataOnGridAsync(data?.List, selectedGuids);
/// <summary>
/// Заполнение таблицы
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
private void FillDataOnGridAsync(List<E> data, List<Guid> selectedGuids)
if (data == null)
foreach (var elem in data)
var mas = new List<object>();
foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in dataGridViewList.Columns)
dataGridViewList.Rows[^1].Selected = selectedGuids.Contains(new Guid(mas[0].ToString()));
if (selectedGuids.Count == 0 && dataGridViewList.Rows.Count > 0)
dataGridViewList.Rows[0].Selected = true;
/// <summary>
/// Вызов события при добавлении элемента
/// </summary>
private void AddElement() => LaunchControl(null);
/// <summary>
/// Вызов события при изменении элемента
/// </summary>
private void UpdElement()
foreach (DataGridViewRow selected in dataGridViewList.SelectedRows)
LaunchControl(new Guid(selected.Cells[0].Value.ToString()));
/// <summary>
/// Вызов события при удалении элемента
/// </summary>
private async void DelElement()
if (MessageBox.Show("Удалить выбранные записи?", "Подтверждение", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
var cursor = Cursor.Current;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
foreach (DataGridViewRow selected in dataGridViewList.SelectedRows)
_businessLogic.Delete(new G { Id = new Guid(selected.Cells[0].Value.ToString()) });
catch (Exception ex)
if (_businessLogic.Errors.Count != 0)
DialogHelper.MessageException(_businessLogic.Errors, "Ошибки при удалении");
DialogHelper.MessageException(ex.Message, "Ошибки при удалении");
Cursor.Current = cursor;
await LoadListAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Вызов события при выборе элемента
/// </summary>
private void SelectElement()
SelectedId = new Guid(dataGridViewList.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
SelectedText = _businessLogic.GetElement(new G { Id = SelectedId })?.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
DialogHelper.MessageException(ex.Message, "Ошибка при получении выбранного значения");
/// <summary>
/// Создание формы с контролом для работы с элементом
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
private void LaunchControl(Guid? id)
var control = ControlViewEntityElement.GetInstance() as IControlChildEntity;
if (ParentId.HasValue)
control.ParentId = ParentId;
control.ParentPropertyName = ParentPropertyName;
if (toolStripFooter.Visible && toolStripComboBoxPageNames.Visible)
if (toolStripComboBoxPageNames.SelectedItem is PageNamesForPaginationModel key)
control.ParentId = new Guid(key.Key);
control.ParentPropertyName = toolStripComboBoxPageNames.Tag?.ToString();
var form = new Form
Text = (id.HasValue ? $"{Title}. Редактирование" : $"{Title}. Добавление"),
StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,
ControlBox = false
control.Open( new ControlOpenModel
OpenMode = ControlOpenMode.List,
ElementId = id,
CloseElement = async (Guid id) =>
await LoadListAsync();
form.Height = (control as UserControl).Height + 55;
form.Width = (control as UserControl).Width + 20;
form.Controls.Add(control as UserControl);
catch (Exception ex)
DialogHelper.MessageException(ex.Message, "Ошибки при открытии элемента");
private ControlViewEntityListConfiguration GetConfig() => _genericControlViewEntityList?.GetConfigControl();
private L GetData() => _genericControlViewEntityList?.GetDataForControl();
private L GetDataWithPageName(string key) => _genericControlViewEntityList?.GetDataWithPageNameForControl(key);
private L GetDataWithPageNumber(int page, int count) => _genericControlViewEntityList?.GetDataWithPageNumberForControl(page, count);
private L GetDataFromParent(Guid id) => _genericControlViewEntityList?.GetDataFromParentForControl(id);